DFRobot Devastator Tank Treaded Tracked Robot Autonomous

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Youtube Channel: Rich Plakas

Using a Raspberry Pi 3 and the Monk Makes RaspiRobot Motor Controller Hat we created a fairly simple autonomous robot using a Rangefinder mounted on the front. Still a work in progress! 


You may have seen a few pictures of Rex our bearded dragon on top of a Tank Treaded Robot in some of my other posts. In this post I will go though the initial assembly and build of the DFRobot Devastator Tank Treaded Tracked Robot (although I have a feeling this will be an ever evolving project!) 

DFRobot now has 2 Devastator kits available: one with plastic bodied motors and one with all metal higher torque motors. 

DFrobot Devastator with Plastic Motors is about $74 on Amazon 

DFrobot Devastator with Metal Motors is about $94 on Amazon 

You can also buy both kits directly from DFRobot here for cheaper but you’ll need to factor in shipping costs from China: https://www.dfrobot.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=Devastator&description=true

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