HexMatrix is the LED matrix having many triangular pixels. Six pixels combining makes a hexagon. There are many different animations that can be shown on the matrix form FastLED library, Also I have designed digits from 0 to 9 using 10 segments for each digit in the matrix and made a IOT clock.
The above video shows my first HexMatrix design which is made using WS2811 LEDs and NodeMCU(ESP8266) . In this tutorial I am showing you a modified version of HexMatrix wchich is made using custom PCB,WS2812B LEDs and NodeMCU.


3D Printing:
*Click for STL files & Gerber File
*3D Print all the 3D models, make sure to print the screen in white PLA.
*The design I made is for hanging on the wall you can modify as per your requirement in Fusion360, Fusion360 file.

Circuit Connection:
*Solder all the LEDs on PCB in correct order.
*Make all the connections as shown in circuit diagram.

*Open the code given in Arduino IDE. Click for Code
*Install the FastLED Library and board library for ESP8266 boards.
*Type your Wifi_Name and Password /
/Your Wifi info
const char* ssid = "Wifi_Name";
const char* password = "Password";
* Enter the time zone of your country
//Your time zone
int timezone = 5.5 * 3600;
* If say for me in India time zone is 5:30 I have typed 5.5,similarly you have to put time zone of your country.
*Select the Board type as ESP8266 (NodeMCU),select the port and upload the code.
*After the code is successfully uploaded check the Matrix by powering it with micro USB adapter.
*You can even display animations from FastLED library examples.

*Cut the legs of the NodeMCU board and put everything in the enclosure.
*Put the screen and make some holes with drill and screw the sides.

Note: You can make the same matrix using WS2812b LED strip without using PCB.