INA226 Voltmeter & GC9A01 Display Using Visuino

This tutorial shows how to use the INA226 Voltmeter with a GC9A01 Display in Visuino to measure and display voltage in real time. The project reads voltage data from the INA226 sensor and visualizes it on the GC9A01 circular display using graphical elements.

You can download the project file at the bottom.

Watch the video!

What You Will Need

What You Will Need

What You Will Need

What You Will Need

What You Will Need

What You Will Need

What You Will Need

What You Will Need

Arduino UNO (or any other Arduino or ESP)GC9A01 SPI DisplayINA226 DC current and power sensorJumper wiresBreadboardPower SupplyVisuino program: Download Visuino

Note: If you plan to use a lot of graphics on the display or more sensore/modules then you might need a board with larger memory like Arduino UNO R4 WiFi

The Circuit

The Circuit

Connect GC9A01 Display pin [VCC] to Arduino pin [3.3V]Connect GC9A01 Display pin [GND] to Arduino pin [GND]Connect GC9A01 Display pin [SCL] to Arduino pin [13]Connect GC9A01 Display pin [SDA] to Arduino pin [11]Connect GC9A01 Display pin [DC] to Arduino pin [9]Connect GC9A01 Display pin [CS] to Arduino pin [10]Connect GC9A01 Display pin [RST ] to Arduino pin [8]Connect INA226 pin [SCL] to Arduino pin [SCL]Connect INA226 pin [SDA] to Arduino pin [SDA]Connect INA226 pin [VCC] to Arduino pin [5v]Connect INA226 pin [GND] to Arduino pin [GND]Connect Power Supply (or any Voltage source that you want to monitor) positive pin (+) to INA226 Module Pin (V+)Connect Power Supply (or any Voltage source that you want to monitor) negative pin (-) to INA226 Module Pin (V-)


In Visuino Add & Set Components

In Visuino Add & Set Components

In Visuino Add & Set Components

In Visuino Add & Set Components

In Visuino Add & Set Components

In Visuino Add & Set Components

In Visuino Add & Set Components

Add "INA226" componentAdd "Map Range Analog" componentAdd "Analog To Integer" componentAdd "Integer Multi Source" componentAdd "GC9A01 SPI" component


Select "MapRange1" and in the properties window set "Input Range" > Max to 36 and "Input Range" > Min to 0 and "Output Range" > Max to 360 and "Output Range" > Min to 180


Note:Because INA226 can measure from 0-36V and display "0" is at 180 degrees and ranges up to 360 degrees, We are using Map Range Analog to convert values from 0-36 to 180-360.

In Visuino Set the Display

In Visuino Set the Display

In Visuino Set the Display

In Visuino Set the Display

In Visuino Set the Display

In Visuino Set the Display

In Visuino Set the Display

In Visuino Set the Display

In Visuino Set the Display

In Visuino Set the Display

Select "Display1" and in the properties window set "Background Color" to clBisque and "Orientation" to goDown


Step 1: Open the Display Configuration

Double-click on the Display1 component in the diagram.This will open the Elements window for the display.


Step 2: Add and Configure Graphical Elements

Add 2X "Draw Angled Line" elementAdd "Text Field" elementAdd "Draw Scene" elementAdd "Text Field" elementAdd "Draw Ellipse" element


Draw Ellipse, and Text Field. Here’s how to configure each one:

Draw Angled Line1
In the Elements window, locate the Draw Angled Line1 element.In the Properties window, configure the following:Set Begin to 11.Set End to 100.Set X to 120.Set Y to 120.Set Color to aclRedSelect "Angle" and click on the pin icon and select "Float SinkPin"


Draw Angled Line2
In the Elements window, locate the Draw Angled Line2 element.In the Properties window, configure the following:Set Begin to 11.Set End to 100.Set X to 120.Set Y to 120.Set Color to aclBisqueSelect "Angle" and click on the pin icon and select "Float SinkPin"


Text Field1
In the Elements window, locate the Text Field1 element.In the Properties window, configure the following:Set Size to 2.Set HorizontalAlign to thaCenter (center alignment).Set X to 30.Set Y to 130.Set FillColor to aclBisqueSet Color to aclBlueConnect the ClockInputPin to MultiSource1 pin [Pin 5].Connect the InputPin to VoltageCurrentPower1 pin [Bus Voltage (V)].
Draw Scene1
In the Elements window, locate the Draw Scene1 element.In the properties window select "Elements" and click on the 3 dots buttonIn the Elements window add 19X "Draw Angled Line" ElementFor each "Draw Angled Line" Element set the properties:

Draw Angled Line1

Name: Draw Angled Line1Properties:Begin: 100 (starting point of the line).Angle: -180 (angle of the line in degrees).X: 120 (X-coordinate of the line's center).Color: blackEnd: 120 (ending point of the line).Y: 120 (Y-coordinate of the line's center).

Draw Angled Line2

Name: Draw Angled Line2Properties:Begin: 100.Angle: -170.X: 120.Color: blackEnd: 120.Y: 120.

Draw Angled Line3

Name: Draw Angled Line3Properties:Begin: 100.Angle: -160.X: 120.Color: blackEnd: 120.Y: 120.

Draw Angled Line4

Name: Draw Angled Line4Properties:Begin: 100.Angle: -150.X: 120.Color: blackEnd: 120.Y: 120.

Draw Angled Line5

Name: Draw Angled Line5Properties:Begin: 100.Angle: -140.X: 120.Color: blackEnd: 120.Y: 120.

Draw Angled Line6

Name: Draw Angled Line6Properties:Begin: 100.Angle: -130.X: 120.Color: blackEnd: 120.Y: 120.

Draw Angled Line7

Name: Draw Angled Line7Properties:Begin: 100.Angle: -120.X: 120.Color: blackEnd: 120.Y: 120.

Draw Angled Line8

Name: Draw Angled Line8Properties:Begin: 100.Angle: -110.X: 120.Color: blackEnd: 120.Y: 120.

Draw Angled Line9

Name: Draw Angled Line9Properties:Begin: 100.Angle: -100.X: 120.Color: blackEnd: 120.Y: 120.

Draw Angled Line10

Name: Draw Angled Line10Properties:Begin: 100.Angle: -90.X: 120.Color: blackEnd: 120.Y: 120.

Draw Angled Line11

Name: Draw Angled Line11Properties:Begin: 100.Angle: -80.X: 120.Color: blackEnd: 120.Y: 120.

Draw Angled Line12

Name: Draw Angled Line12Properties:Begin: 100.Angle: -70.X: 120.Color: blackEnd: 120.Y: 120.

Draw Angled Line13

Name: Draw Angled Line13Properties:Begin: 100.Angle: -60.X: 120.Color: blackEnd: 120.Y: 120.

Draw Angled Line14

Name: Draw Angled Line14Properties:Begin: 100.Angle: -50.X: 120.Color: blackEnd: 120.Y: 120.

Draw Angled Line15

Name: Draw Angled Line15Properties:Begin: 100.Angle: -40.X: 120.Color: blackEnd: 120.Y: 120.

Draw Angled Line16

Name: Draw Angled Line16Properties:Begin: 100.Angle: -30.X: 120.Color: blackEnd: 120.Y: 120.

Draw Angled Line17

Name: Draw Angled Line17Properties:Begin: 100.Angle: -20.X: 120.Color: blackEnd: 120.Y: 120.

Draw Angled Line18

Name: Draw Angled Line18Properties:Begin: 100.Angle: -10.X: 120.Color: blackEnd: 120.Y: 120.

Draw Angled Line19

Name: Draw Angled Line19Properties:Begin: 100.Angle: 0.X: 120.Color: blackEnd: 120.Y: 120.

Close the Elements window

Draw Ellipse1
In the Elements window, locate the Draw Ellipse1 element.In the Properties window, configure the following:Set Width to 20.Set Height to 19.Set X to 110.Set Y to 110.Set FillColor to aclRedSet Color to aclRed
In Visuino Connect Components

VoltageCurrentPower1 (INA226 Sensor)

Connect VoltageCurrentPower1 pin I2C [Control] to Arduino.I2CChannels[0] pin [In].Connect VoltageCurrentPower1 pin [Bus Voltage (V)] to:Text Field1 pin [In].MapRange1 pin [In].


Connect MapRange1 pin [Out] to AnalogToInteger1 pin [In].


Connect AnalogToInteger1 pin [Out] to MultiSource1 pin [In].


Connect MultiSource1 pin [Pin 0] to:Draw Ellipse1 pin [Clock].Connect MultiSource1 pin [Pin 1] to:Draw Angled Line2 pin [Clock].Connect MultiSource1 pin [Pin 2] to:Draw Angled Line1 pin [Clock].Connect MultiSource1 pin [Pin 3] to:Draw Angled Line2 pin [Clock].Connect MultiSource1 pin [Pin 4] to:Draw Angled Line1 pin [Clock].Connect MultiSource1 pin [Pin 5] to:Text Field1 pin [Clock].Connect MultiSource1 pin [Pin 6] to:Draw Ellipse1 pin [Clock].

Display1 (GC9A01 Display)

Connect Display1 pin [ChipSelect] to Arduino.Digital pin [10]Connect Display1 pin [Reset] to Arduino.Digital pin [8]Connect Display1 pin [DataCommand] to Arduino.Digital[9]Connect Display1 pin [Control] to Arduino SPI

Draw Angled Line1

Connect Draw Angled Line1 pin [Angle] to MultiSource1 pin [Pin 2].Connect Draw Angled Line1 pin [Clock] to MultiSource1 pin [Pin 4].

Draw Angled Line2

Connect Draw Angled Line2 pin [Angle] to MultiSource1 pin [Pin 3].Connect Draw Angled Line2 pin [Clock] to MultiSource1 pin [Pin 1].

Text Field1

Connect Text Field1 pin [In] to VoltageCurrentPower1 pin [Bus Voltage (V)].Connect Text Field1 pin [Clock] to MultiSource1 pin [Pin 5].

Draw Ellipse1

Connect Draw Ellipse1 pin [Clock] to:MultiSource1 pin [Pin 0].MultiSource1 pin [Pin 6].


Summary of Connections

VoltageCurrentPower1 measures voltage and sends the data to Text Field1 and MapRange1.MapRange1 maps the voltage to a range of 180 to 360 and sends it to AnalogToInteger1.AnalogToInteger1 converts the value to an integer and sends it to MultiSource1.MultiSource1 distributes the value to:Draw Angled Line1 and Draw Angled Line2 for angle control.Text Field1 for displaying the voltage value.Draw Ellipse1 for graphical representation.Display1 is connected to the Arduino's digital and SPI pins for control and communication.
Generate, Compile, and Upload the Code

Generate, Compile, and Upload the Code

In Visuino, at the bottom click on the "Build" Tab, make sure the correct port is selected, then click on the "Compile/Build and Upload" button.


Congratulations! You have completed your project with Visuino. Also attached is the Visuino project, that I created for this Instructable, you can download it and open it in Visuino:

icon 2KB Download(0)
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