Contest Period
04.15 2021
2021 06.15

Bounty Makers CALL UP!

There are countless real-life challenges and annoyances people are facing every day. Here are few shitty moment which you may also come across:


- Go traveling but have plants in the apartment to water every day - “what can I do about it? I'm single!”

- You just can not find your keys or some other gadgets right at the moment you think of them - “especially when you need them most"

- Save money and bought a certain mass-produced product but lose interest very fast - “Because they are cold ¬ imprinted with my style”. 


We believe makers and maker spirits play a crucial role in leading people to a better life, with style. Therefore, We are summoning Boundy Makers to knock life bugs off. Now DFRobot is launching a brand new online event to show people how we makers treat and solve troubles in daily life with style - Introducing Bounty Maker Events. 


Just like the cowboy who lived in the 19th century American west, you shall earn your own bonus like them by taking on challenging tasks and finish the job. Check out our first-round tasks!


2021 First round - Bounty Maker Hunting List


1. “A good lighting set is more important than an expensive SLR camera to make me, a streamer, look great! 
Is there any Bounty Makers who can make me an amazing lighting set for taking selfies and streaming, which can make me look good in front of the camera? It better have some automic color-changing function! Use it to take your own selfie or photography first please, I want to see the effect! Thank you!”


2. Hi Boundy Makers, I need an automatic watering system for my favorite plants when I went out traveling, do you think you can help me with that? Make sure your creation is neat and beautiful.


3. I can't find my key and some other little stuff. I would like a unique key ring that can always help me find it. Effectiveness is the priority! The appearance will earn you extra points! Thank you Boundy Makers!


4. I want to remold my wireless charger into a C4 bomb, a grenade, a Teemo, or any other props that come from video-game I'm PUBG and League&Legend fans by the way. Thank you Boundy Makers!



Winners can claim 100$ equal value products from the Bounty Maker Committee. We will package the products from your wish list and send them to you. Don't worry, we will reach out to you.

Event Schedule


2021.04.15 Boundy Maker Online Registration& get your work started!

2021.06.15 Deadline of Project Demonstration on DFRobot Community

06.18 Annoucement of Winners

06.28 Deadline of Claiming Rewards


Application Demonstration Requirement:


Introduce and explain the designing process and producing steps of your project. Make sure to provide pictures and videos to assist the elaboration and demonstration of the work operation. 


Don't forget adding #BountyM2021# tags to your post!


Hunting Rules


You will build a problem-solving-oriented application that can successfully meet clients‘ needs shown in the "Hunting list" by posting your work in the DFRobot community with a detailed project introduction. The Boundy Maker committee will review and decide if you should get paid. Plagiarism and Re-post are strictly forbidden.


- Each task only accepts registering 5 Boundy Makers, which could be individual or group. FCFS, One can register a maximum of two hunting tasks. 


- At the early stage of your project, just as any bounty hunter shown in western , you will be responsible for taking up the cost on your own, but the payment is rich.


- Anyone who wins and receives the final reward, will bear the responsibility of becoming Bounty Maker Community sheriff. This means you will receive tons of community benefits with priority, as well as take duties along with privilege out of voluntary, You will play competition judges, community manager, etc. 


Let's get started!



Bounty Makers CALL UP!