Wireless Controlled Mobile Tank

Robots are the future. Before letting a robot control human, let us see how we can control a robot. We have started with very basic robot which is basically a tank, which is being controlled wirelessly by a keyboard. It’s a embedded program in python that is taking inputs from keyboard and sending signals to motors attached to tank. And the program is running on a small raspberry pi with raspbian os. Rest are connections that have been explained through a diagram in video. ​ We are controlling a DIY Mobile Tank Platform wirelessly using Raspberry Pi, L298n Motor Driver. 


We used the following hardware & Software Components: 

 Devastator Tank Mobile Robot Platform (Metal DC Gear Motor): https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1477.html ​ Raspberry PI: https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-3-model-b-plus 

 ​ L298n Motor Driver: https://www.factoryforward.com/product/l298n-dual-h-bridge-dc-stepper-motor-driver-controller-board-module-arduino/ ​ 

Croma Powerbank: https://www.croma.com/croma-ca0065-10400mah-power-bank-grey-/p/187144?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIv9SpqNa04gIVxA0rCh3ThQewEAQYAyABEgKXUPD_BwE ​ 

 Battery Holder: https://robokits.co.in/batteries-chargers/battery-chargers/battery-holder-for-lithium-ion-18650-2-cell Batteries: https://robokits.co.in/batteries-chargers/samsung-premium-li-ion-battery/3.7v-samsung-li-ion-batteries/samsung-icr-18650-26j-2600mah-li-ion-rechargeable-cell-original 

 Jumper Wires: https://robokits.co.in/arduino/jumpers-wires 

 HP HDMI to VGA: https://store.hp.com/in-en/default/hp-hdmi-to-vga-adapter-h4f02aa.html Bluetooth Mouse: https://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/wireless-trackball-m570 

 Downloads: Raspbian(OS): https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/ 

 Etcher: https://www.balena.io/etcher/


For connection diagram & python code visit: https://www.delhitechnologyclub.com/mobiletank



1 Devastator Tank Mobile Robot Platform (Metal DC Gear Motor)
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