If you are a maker and you are willing to share your works, welcome to DF Community to enjoy the making life! Each post will be valued by its creativity. And posts will be the links to connect the makers to makers. We believe we can have fun and grow up together in this community.
Get Started
1. Click Community and click your Account (please login or register first).

2. Then click My Dashboard to Create a makelog.

Then we enter the editing page. Similar to communities like Instructables and Hackster, you can share photos, texts, links, and videos. Something different is that the data turns into blocks of different types. So, you can adjust and arrange your post by dragging now.

3. After putting a title to the top center, click one block of any type (Text, Step, Image, Video, Hardware, Code, File) and drag it to the center.
For example, I would love to begin with a brief introduction, and I select the block Text:

In the text block, as the block suggests, you can adjust your words by clicking the icons and enter links.
4. The Step block will help you arrange the steps automatically.

5. For the code block, you can adjust the code type by clicking the icon below. The code in default is Arduino.

6. Click here to upload an image as a cover image.

It's a little messy when you need to upload images one by one. So, you can upload images to Media Library first then drag them to the center.
7. Publish
Once the editing work is done, click Publish and a Makelog Preview will show up:

Then you can click to select or typing to input at least 2 additional topics or platform keywords to categorize your project.

8. Others
Once the new post is released, you can check its comments and likes in your account.

In the end, thanks for your reading and sharing.
Please feel free to contact us for any inquiries via DFRobot Forum.