DIY a Pocket Monsters Discriminator

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Recently, I heard that HuskyLens have released a new function: object classification. 

Hardly have time to check it, today I decide to investigate it. After reading through product and wiki page, I have to say the object classification of HuskyLens is really powerful. But what to do now? There are too many choices, how about posting it to the other day? Before being beat by procrastination and becoming a couch potato, I find my notebook in the desk.


Hit it off! As the new function is object classification, how about make a discriminator to identify pocket monsters? Come to check the result: 

Due to time limitation, I do not make the external structure of the discriminator, but only took advantage of the micro: bit wireless transmission function and the mind+ real-time mode, and make a simple simulation. Here's a brief explanation of the design process. 

1. Making Process 

micro:bit x2 

HuskyLens x1(update to V0.4.9class) 

micro: bit Driver Expansion Board x1 

2. How to realize the project? 

(1) Mainboard 

Although there is no special requirement of mainboards for HuskyLens, the real-time mode of mind+ does not support add the HuskyLens extension. So, we have to take advantage of wireless communication, connecting the transmitter to a HuskyLens, then receiver to the real-time mode of mind+. Hereafter, micro: bit realizes the wireless transmission easily, without the need to transition through the Internet of Things platform. 

(2) HuskyLens Learning Just search pocket monsters online, then pointing HuskyLens to these images to learn.   


When HuskyLens is learning, you can long press the learning button and move the camera back and forth for multi-angle learning, it is recommended to learn more than 30 pictures at a time Oh, after learning 1 4 seconds press the learning key to continue learning. It is recommended to learn 30 images at least. Learning each picture one by one, and the switch time should be within 4s.


(3) Code for the Transmitter 

The program logic is simple, when HuskyLens identifies different ID numbers, it sends corresponding number to micro: bit via the wireless communication. Remember to eliminate jitters.


(4) Code for the Receiver 

It is simple to realize. We just need to add micro: bit and broadcast function in extensions. When the receiver receives data from the transmitter, according to the different numbers, its broadcast function will trigger to display different images.


I got the spirits of Pokémon’s from 

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