Smart Pool interacts with rgb sensors, neoPixels, lights, and outlets around the room to create an immersive pool experience.
Things used in this project
Hardware components
Hand tools and fabrication machines
3D Printer (generic)
The smartPoolPocket detects the color of the ball that has passed through it and lights the neoPixels the same color as the ball detected. There are functions built to create an immersive experience with WEMO Outlets and Hue lights to make the pool table a smart room controller.
The video below show the prototype working with a separate channel. Currently plastic balls are being used through a pvc pipe to simulate the corner pocket of the table.
The Design layout show the pool ball going through a led/ photoresistor gate. This then allows for the the servo pin and rgb sensors to activate only if the ball is detected.
The Fritzing is to wire up a single pocket that is responsive to the color of the ball
The article was first published in hackster, March 11 2022
author: Arjun Bhakta