A sketch that plays festive Christmas carols on Arduino using a simple speaker circuit.
Things used in this project
Hardware components
In a Nut Shell
'Christmas Carols on Arduino' comprises a single sketch incorporating a play list of 10 popular Christmas carols. The play list of 10 carols is randomised after each complete play cycle and replayed in a new order. The out of the box (OOTB) carols are:
We Wish You A Merry Christmas O Come All Ye FaithfulAway In A MangerDing Dong Merrily (On High)Good King WenceslasThe First NowellThe Holly And The IvyWe Three KingsSilent NightJingle Bells
(Each carol function runs through two complete play cycles, but this may be increased, or otherwise, as you wish by making a simple change to the associated carol functions ' for-loop upper bounds.)
The Christmas Carols on Arduino sketch is 'plug and play', but there are two ways in which you can approach this article/project -
1. you can make the speaker circuit as outlined (see Hardware and Schematics below), download and run the associated sketch as is, sit back with a cup of coffee (or, if it is the festive season, some other libation!) and enjoy some carols,
2. you can make the speaker circuit as outlined, download the associated sketch and explore its structure, content and methods (it offers a particularly interesting technique that you may find useful in you own future projects).
If your approach is the first, then great, job done, enjoy the carols and keep the sketch for future use - you do not to read any further. However, if you are the curious type and want to understand how the Christmas carol sketch works then read on.
The Hardware
Couldn't be simpler - all you will need is an Arduino microcontroller (any should be okay), a 100 ohm resistor, a small bread board, some wires and, preferably, an 8 ohm 0.25 watt speaker (or a buzzer if you don't have a speaker to hand).
The wiring diagram is as shown below at Schematics, but it is a very simple circuit to put together. The sketch uses digital output pin 11 to drive the speaker, but if you wish to use another, then choose a suitable alternative pin and change the definition '#define speaker' in the sketch as required.
I should advise that the microcontroller should not be directly connected to anything but a speaker/buzzer as outlined, otherwise you may damage your microcontroller.
The Sketch - Points of Note
The sketch is derived of a previous article/publication 'Let's Make Music', modified specifically to manage a play list of musical scores (carols). The sketch design is straight forward and should be easily followed by the interested. It does, however, include a technique that is worthy of particular note - the use of pointers to define and manage the carols play list (C++ pointers).
If you are fully appraised of pointers, their purpose and use then you can skip this part, otherwise, it is worth taking a little time to explore how these are used by the sketch.
Let's start with how the design makes use of pointers:
Firstly, each carol music score is defined by its own function with these functions being placed at the end of the sketch, just to avoid cluttering up the sketch and help readability.
Next, at the top part of the sketch, we define forward references for the each of the carol functions as we will need to assign these to our play list array (which is defined as an array of pointers). This is done prior to the declaration of the play list pointer array as it is necessary to ensure that the address references of the carol functions are in scope at the point at which they are needed by the complier. We could have simply declared the carol functions before we declare the play list pointer array, at the top of the sketch, but that would just add a lot of clutter to the sketch where it is helpful for it to be clutter free.
After the carol function forward references are declared, the sketch then defines a play list (play_list) which is an array of type pointer (*) of size equal to the number of carols (carol functions) declared in the sketch (OOTB this will be of size 10). Each element of the play list array is then assigned (preset) with the address reference of each of the carol functions (this is only possible because of the forward carol function declarations).
Now that has been done we are able to use/process the play list as required - eg shuffle (randomise) it, step through it element by element and invoke the associated carol functions, etc.
To recap, let's look at each bit of code in the sketch that allow us to use a pointer based play list.
ForwardReference DeclarationsTo The Carol Functions - note the syntax:
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// Carols data...
// Setup play list data
#define num_carols 10
// Forward references for music score functions
// which are defined at end of the sketch to avoid clutter...
void we_wish_you_a_merry_christmas();
void o_come_all_ye_faithful();
void away_in_a_manger();
void ding_dong_merrily();
void good_king_wenceslas();
void the_first_nowell();
void the_holly_and_the_ivy();
void we_three_kings();
void silent_night();
void jingle_bells();
Play List Declaration - we declare the play list pointer array with carol function address presets (again, note the syntax):
// Declare pointer array and preset with addresses
// of each of the carol score functions.
// Note that the oder of the presets is not important
// as the play_list array is constantly randomised
// by the shuffle_play_list function.
uint16_t (*play_list[num_carols])() = {
The syntax to define the play list as an array of pointers looks a little strange, but the two points to note are:
1. the '*' character before the array name. This tells the compiler that the array 'play_list' should be treated as an array of pointers, and
2. the ending '()' characters. Again this alerts the compiler that the address references relate to functions (our forward carol function references). This allows us to then invoke the functions defined by the play list elements directly - see Main Loop, below.
Note also that we are able to preset the play list pointer array only because we have previously declared the forward references to the carol functions. The complier presets each element of the play list array with the address of the declared carol function. The order in which these are preset is not important as the play list is continually randomly shuffled.
That's it. We are now able to process the play list how we please. Let's look at the main loop:
Main Loop - the main loop will be seen to be almost trivial in its design:
void loop() {
do {
// Process the play_list by selecting each of its preset and randomsised
// elements, and execute each respective music score funcion.
for (uint8_t carol = 0; carol < num_carols; carol++) {
play_list[carol](); // execute this ([carol]) music score function
wait(3); // wait a short time between carols
shuffle_play_list(); // randomise the play_list for the next play_list pass
wait(3); // wait a short time before playing the new playlist
} while (true);
The main loop simply goes through each play list element calling its associated carol function - once again, note the syntax - we treat the play list as pseudo function, hence the use of the '()' characters in the call.
After each complete play list cycle, the play list is randomly shuffled so that we get a different carol ordering at each next pass.
There are many ways in which pointers can be used and, hopefully, by examining their use in this sketch, you can think about how they can be helpful for your own sketch designs.
Anyway, that's all for this article, for now, and I hope you have found enjoyment in the carols and even, perhaps, added your own carols to the sketch.
Next Steps?
Why not add your own carols? Or if you wish to explore music on Arduino a little further then check out two other published articles:
Let's Make Music - a sketch that supports musical notes over several octaves and recognises standard musical durations/timings. It provides all the same features and functions that make up the carol sketch plus a little more additional functionality. Have a look at the crib sheet for this article which provides a useful functionality directory.
Music & Lights Workbench - a sketch that has been designed to encourage those not familiar with computer programming, under a little tuition, to explore the subject through logic and play - making melodies and lighting up LEDs.
Externally connected 8 ohm speaker
Christmas Carols on Arduino Sketch
Runs through a number of Christmas carols in a play list
// Ron D Bentley, Stafford, UK, September 2021
// Modified:
// Oct 2022 to remove compliler warning re redfinition
// of macros for some macro locally defined notes, eg B0, B1, etc.
// Local naming convention for notes now prefixed with "note_".
// Christmas Carols with Arduino - based on 'let's make music' Arduino sketch
// by same author.
// Uses a simple circuit connecting an 8 ohm speaker on digital pin 11...that's all!
// Merry Christmas!!
// This example and code is in the public domain and
// may be used without restriction and without warranty.
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// % Music/tone data and functions... %
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// Tempos, by common musical names
#define grave 40
#define largo 46
#define lento 52
#define adagio 56
#define larghetto 60
#define adagietto 66
#define andante 72
#define andantino 80
#define maestroso 88
#define moderato 100
#define allegretto 104
#define animato 120
#define allegro 132
#define allegro_assai 144
#define vivace 160
#define presto 184
#define prestissimo 208
// Public constants - reflects the 'pitches.h' file,
// but with a different (shortened) note naming convention.
// The values are the frequencies (hz) of the notes.
#define note_B0 31
#define note_C1 33
#define note_CS1 35
#define note_DF1 35
#define note_D1 37
#define note_DS1 39
#define note_EF1 39
#define note_E1 41
#define note_F1 44
#define note_FS1 46
#define note_GF1 46
#define note_G1 49
#define note_GS1 52
#define note_AF1 52
#define note_A1 55
#define note_AS1 58
#define note_BF1 58
#define note_b1 62
#define note_C2 65
#define note_CS2 69
#define note_DF2 69
#define note_D2 73
#define note_DS2 78
#define note_EF2 78
#define note_E2 82
#define note_F2 87
#define note_FS2 93
#define note_GF2 93
#define note_G2 98
#define note_GS2 104
#define note_AF2 104
#define note_A2 110
#define note_as2 117
#define note_BF2 117
#define note_B2 123
#define note_C3 131
#define note_CS3 139
#define note_DF3 139
#define note_D3 147
#define note_DS3 156
#define note_EF3 156
#define note_E3 165
#define note_F3 175
#define note_FS3 185
#define note_GF3 185
#define note_G3 196
#define note_GS3 208
#define note_AF3 208
#define note_A3 220
#define note_AS3 233
#define note_BF3 233
#define note_B3 247
#define note_C4 262 // <--------- middle C
#define note_CS4 277
#define note_DF4 277
#define note_D4 294
#define note_DS4 311
#define note_EF4 311
#define note_E4 330
#define note_F4 349
#define note_FS4 370
#define note_GF4 370
#define note_G4 392
#define note_GS4 415
#define note_AF4 415
#define note_A4 440
#define note_AS4 466
#define note_BF4 466
#define note_B4 494
#define note_C5 523
#define note_CS5 554
#define note_DF5 554
#define note_D5 587
#define note_DS5 622
#define note_EF5 622
#define note_E5 659
#define note_F5 698
#define note_FS5 740
#define note_GF5 740
#define note_G5 784
#define note_GS5 831
#define note_AF5 831
#define note_A5 880
#define note_AS5 932
#define note_BF5 932
#define note_B5 988
#define note_C6 1047
#define note_CS6 1109
#define note_DF6 1109
#define note_D6 1175
#define note_DS6 1245
#define note_EF6 1245
#define note_E6 1319
#define note_F6 1397
#define note_FS6 1480
#define note_GF6 1480
#define note_G6 1568
#define note_GS6 1661
#define note_AF6 1661
#define note_A6 1760
#define note_AS6 1865
#define note_BF6 1865
#define note_B6 1976
#define note_C7 2093
#define note_CS7 2217
#define note_DF7 2217
#define note_D7 2349
#define note_DS7 2489
#define note_EF7 2489
#define note_E7 2637
#define note_F7 2794
#define note_FS7 2960
#define note_GF7 2960
#define note_G7 3136
#define note_GS7 3322
#define note_AF7 3322
#define note_A7 3520
#define note_AS7 3729
#define note_BF7 3729
#define note_B7 3951
#define note_C8 4186
#define note_CS8 4435
#define note_DF8 4435
#define note_D8 4699
#define note_DS8 4978
#define note_EF8 4978
#define speaker 11 // digital pin number for speaker/buzzer
float default_tempo = float(animato); // default tempo - beats per minute
float current_tempo = default_tempo;
float timings[7]; // holds timings for each defined note/rest time value
// Standard note/rest duration definitions, set by the set_tempo function
#define semib timings[0] // semi briev - 4 beats
#define dot_minim timings[1] // dotted mini - 3 beats
#define minim timings[2] // minim - 2 beats
#define crot timings[3] // crotchet - 1 beat
#define quav timings[4] // quaver - 1/2 beat
#define semiq timings[5] // semi quaver - 1/4 beat
#define demi_semiq timings[6] // demi semi quaver - 1/8 beat
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// Carols data...
// Setup play list data
#define num_carols 10
// Forward references for music score functions
// which are defined at end of the sketch to avoid clutter...
void we_wish_you_a_merry_christmas();
void o_come_all_ye_faithful();
void away_in_a_manger();
void ding_dong_merrily();
void good_king_wenceslas();
void the_first_nowell();
void the_holly_and_the_ivy();
void we_three_kings();
void silent_night();
void jingle_bells();
// Declare pointer array and preset with addresses
// of each of the carol score functions.
// Note that the oder of the presets is not important
// as the play_list array is constantly randomised
// by the shuffle_play_list function.
void (*play_list[num_carols])() = {
// End of carols data
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// Shuffle the play_list randomly
void shuffle_play_list() {
uint8_t swap_with;
void (* swap)(); // same data type as the play_list
// Keep changing the random seed for shuffling the play_list.
// If the reads of A0 and A5 yield 0 then we will have a prime
// number as the base for the random seeding
randomSeed(analogRead(A0) + analogRead(A5) + 1031);
for (uint8_t carol = 0; carol < num_carols; carol++) {
// play_list entry to be swapped out with that in entry '[carol]'
swap_with = random(num_carols); // 0 to (num_carols - 1)
swap = play_list[carol];
play_list[carol] = play_list[swap_with];
play_list[swap_with] = swap;
// Function waits for the given time in seconds, or part thereof.
void wait(float duration) {
uint32_t start;
start = millis();
duration = duration * 1000; // convert to milliseconds
do {
} while (millis() - start <= duration);
// Set tempo by adjusting durations of note/rest timings
void set_tempo(float new_tempo) {
float crotchet_duration;
current_tempo = new_tempo; // keep current tempo up to date in case it needs to be queried
crotchet_duration = 60 / new_tempo; // timing in seconds for 1 beat
semib = crotchet_duration * 4; // semibrieve, 4 beats
dot_minim = crotchet_duration * 3; // dotted mimin, 3 beats
minim = crotchet_duration * 2; // minim, 2 beats
crot = crotchet_duration; // crotchet, 1 beat
quav = crotchet_duration / 2; // quaver, 1/2 beat
semiq = crotchet_duration / 4; // semiquaver, 1/4 beat
demi_semiq = crotchet_duration / 8; // demi-semi-quaver, 1/8 beat
// Play given note for given duration in seconds, or part thereof.
// Observe that this function is 'blocking', although the tone
// function is 'non-blocking', ie control stays with the function
// until note has completed.
void play(int note, float note_duration) {
tone(speaker, note, note_duration * 1000); // play the given note for the given duration
wait(note_duration); // wait for note to complete
// Rest for given duration in seconds, or part thereof.
void rest(float rest_duration) {
noTone(speaker); // ensure no tone is currently playing
wait(rest_duration); // wait for given rest to complete
void setup() {
// Set up speaker
pinMode(speaker, OUTPUT);
// Set up note/rest timings, based on the default unit beat time (default_tempo)
shuffle_play_list(); // start with a randomised play_list
void loop() {
do {
// Process the play_list by selecting each of its preset and randomsised
// elements, and execute each respective music score funcion.
for (uint8_t carol = 0; carol < num_carols; carol++) {
play_list[carol](); // execute this ([carol]) music score function
wait(3); // wait a short time between carols
shuffle_play_list(); // randomise the play_list for the next play_list pass
wait(3); // wait a short time before playing the new playlist
} while (true);
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// % Out-of-the-box 'shrink-wrapped' Christmas Carol music scores %
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
void we_wish_you_a_merry_christmas() {
// 3/4time
for (uint8_t repeat = 1; repeat <= 2; repeat++) {
// intro bar
play(note_D4, crot);
// bar 1
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_FS4, quav);
// bar 2
play(note_E4, crot);
play(note_E4, crot);
play(note_E4, crot);
// bar 3
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_A4, quav);
play(note_B4, quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
// bar 4
play(note_FS4, crot);
play(note_D4, crot);
play(note_D4, crot);
// bar 5
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_B4, quav);
play(note_C5, quav);
play(note_B4, quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
// bar 6
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_E4, crot);
play(note_D4, quav);
play(note_D4, quav);
// bar 7
play(note_E4, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_FS4, crot);
// bar 8
play(note_G4, minim);
play(note_D4, crot);
// bar 9
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
// bar 10
play(note_FS4, minim);
play(note_FS4, crot);
// bar 11
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_FS4, crot);
play(note_E4, crot);
// bar 12
play(note_D4, minim);
play(note_A4, crot);
// bar 13
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
// bar 14
play(note_D5, crot);
play(note_D4, crot);
play(note_D4, quav);
play(note_D4, quav);
// bar 15
play(note_E4, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_FS4, crot);
// bar 16
play(note_G4, minim);
void o_come_all_ye_faithful() {
// 4/4 time
// intro bar
for (uint8_t repeat = 1; repeat <= 2; repeat++) {
play(note_G4, crot);
// bar 1
play(note_G4, minim);
play(note_D4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
// bar 2
play(note_A4, minim);
play(note_D4, minim);
// bar 3
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_C5, crot);
// bar 4
play(note_B4, minim);
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
// bar 5
play(note_G4, minim);
play(note_FS4, crot);
play(note_E4, crot);
// bar 6
play(note_FS4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
// bar 7
play(note_FS4, minim);
play(note_E4, crot + quav);
play(note_D4, quav);
// bar 8
play(note_D4, dot_minim);
// bar 9
play(note_D5, minim);
play(note_C5, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
// bar 10
play(note_C5, minim);
play(note_B4, minim);
// bar 11
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
// bar 12
play(note_FS4, crot + quav);
play(note_E4, quav);
play(note_D4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
// bar 13
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_FS4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
// bar 15
play(note_G4, minim);
play(note_D4, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
// bar 16
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_C5, crot);
// bar 17
play(note_B4, minim);
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
// bar 18
play(note_C5, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
// bar 19
play(note_FS4, minim);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_C5, crot);
// bar 20
play(note_B4, minim);
play(note_A4, crot + quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
// bar 21
play(note_G4, dot_minim);
void away_in_a_manger() {
// 3/4 time
for (uint8_t repeat = 1; repeat <= 2; repeat++) {
// intro bar
play(note_C4, crot);
// bar 1
play(note_F4, crot);
play(note_F4, crot);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
// bar 2
play(note_F4, crot);
play(note_F4, crot);
play(note_A4, quav);
play(note_BF4, quav);
// bar 3
play(note_C5, crot);
play(note_C5, crot);
play(note_D5, crot);
// bar 4
play(note_BF4, minim);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
// bar 5
play(note_BF4, crot);
play(note_BF4, crot);
play(note_C5, crot);
// bar 6
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_F4, quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
// bar 7
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_D4, crot);
play(note_F4, crot);
// bar 8
play(note_E4, minim);
play(note_C4, crot);
// bar 9
play(note_F4, crot);
play(note_F4, crot);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
// bar 10
play(note_F4, crot);
play(note_F4, crot);
play(note_A4, quav);
play(note_BF4, quav);
// bar 11
play(note_C5, crot);
play(note_C5, crot);
play(note_D5, crot);
// bar 12
play(note_BF4, minim);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
// bar 13
play(note_BF4, crot);
play(note_BF4, crot);
play(note_C5, crot);
// bar 14
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_F4, quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
// bar 15
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_D4, crot);
play(note_E4, crot);
// bar 16
play(note_F4, minim);
void ding_dong_merrily() {
// 4/4 time
for (uint8_t repeat = 1; repeat <= 2; repeat++) {
// bar 1
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_A4, quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_FS4, quav);
play(note_E4, quav);
// bar 2
play(note_D4, minim);
play(note_D4, crot);
// bar 3
play(note_E4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_FS4, crot);
// bar 4
play(note_G4, minim);
play(note_G4, crot);
// bar 5
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_A4, quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_FS4, quav);
play(note_E4, quav);
// bar 6
play(note_D4, minim);
play(note_D4, crot);
// bar 7
play(note_E4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_FS4, crot);
// bar 8
play(note_G4, minim);
play(note_G4, crot);
// bar 9
play(note_D5, crot + quav);
play(note_C5, quav);
play(note_B4, quav);
play(note_C5, quav);
play(note_D5, quav);
play(note_B4, quav);
// bar 10
play(note_C5, crot + quav);
play(note_B4, quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
play(note_B4, quav);
play(note_C5, quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
// bar 11
play(note_B4, crot + quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
play(note_B4, quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
// bar 12
play(note_A4, crot + quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_FS4, quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
play(note_FS4, quav);
// bar 13
play(note_G4, crot + quav);
play(note_FS4, quav);
play(note_E4, quav);
play(note_FS4, quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_E4, quav);
// bar 14
play(note_FS4, crot + quav);
play(note_E4, quav);
play(note_D4, crot);
play(note_D4, crot);
// bar 15
play(note_E4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_FS4, crot);
// bar 16
play(note_G4, minim);
play(note_G4, crot);
void good_king_wenceslas() {
// 4/4 time
for (uint8_t repeat = 1; repeat <= 2; repeat++) {
// intro bar
// bar 1
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
// bar 2
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_D4, minim);
// bar 3
play(note_E4, crot);
play(note_D4, crot);
play(note_E4, crot);
play(note_FS4, crot);
// bar 4
play(note_G4, minim);
play(note_G4, minim);
// bar 5
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
// bar 6
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_D4, minim);
// bar 7
play(note_E4, crot);
play(note_D4, crot);
play(note_E4, crot);
play(note_FS4, crot);
// bar 8
play(note_G4, minim);
play(note_G4, minim);
// bar 9
play(note_D5, crot);
play(note_C5, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
// bar 10
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_G4, minim);
// bar 11
play(note_E4, crot);
play(note_D4, crot);
play(note_E4, crot);
play(note_FS4, crot);
// bar 12
play(note_G4, minim);
play(note_G4, minim);
// bar 13
play(note_D4, crot);
play(note_D4, crot);
play(note_E4, crot);
play(note_FS4, crot);
// bar 14
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_A4, minim);
// bar 15
play(note_D5, crot);
play(note_C5, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
// bar 16
play(note_G4, minim);
play(note_C5, minim);
// bar 17
play(note_G4, semib);
void the_first_nowell() {
// 3/4 time
for (uint8_t repeat = 1; repeat <= 2; repeat++) {
// intro bar
play(note_FS4, quav);
play(note_E4, quav);
// bar 1
play(note_D4, crot + quav);
play(note_E4, quav);
play(note_FS4, quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
// bar 2
play(note_A4, minim);
play(note_B4, quav);
play(note_CS5, quav);
// bar 3
play(note_D5, crot);
play(note_CS5, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
// bar 4
play(note_A4, minim);
play(note_B4, quav);
play(note_CS5, quav);
// bar 5
play(note_D5, crot);
play(note_CS5, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
// bar 6
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_CS5, crot);
// bar 7
play(note_D5, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
// bar 8
play(note_FS4, minim);
play(note_FS4, quav);
play(note_E4, quav);
// bar 9
play(note_D4, crot + quav);
play(note_E4, quav);
play(note_FS4, quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
// bar 10
play(note_A4, minim);
play(note_B4, quav);
play(note_CS5, quav);
// bar 11
play(note_D5, crot);
play(note_CS5, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
// bar 12
play(note_A4, minim);
play(note_B4, quav);
play(note_CS5, quav);
// bar 13
play(note_D5, crot);
play(note_CS5, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
// bar 14
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_CS5, crot);
// bar 15
play(note_D5, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
// bar 16
play(note_FS4, minim);
play(note_FS4, quav);
play(note_E4, quav);
// bar 17
play(note_D4, crot + quav);
play(note_E4, quav);
play(note_FS4, quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
// bar 18
play(note_A4, minim);
play(note_D5, quav);
play(note_CS5, quav);
// bar 19
play(note_B4, minim);
play(note_B4, crot);
// bar 20
play(note_A4, dot_minim);
// bar 21
play(note_D5, crot);
play(note_CS5, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
// bar 22
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_CS5, crot);
// bar 23
play(note_D5, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
// bar 24
play(note_FS4, dot_minim);
void the_holly_and_the_ivy() {
// 3/4 time
for (uint8_t repeat = 1; repeat <= 2; repeat++) {
// intro bar
play(note_G4, crot);
// bar 1
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_E5, crot);
// bar 2
play(note_D5, crot);
play(note_B4, crot + quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
// bar 3
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_E5, crot);
// bar 4
play(note_D5, minim);
play(note_D5, quav);
play(note_C5, quav);
// bar 5
play(note_B4, quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_B4, quav);
play(note_B4, quav);
// bar 6
play(note_E4, quav);
play(note_E4, quav);
play(note_D4, crot);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
// bar 7
play(note_B4, quav);
play(note_C5, quav);
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_A4, quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
// bar 8
play(note_G4, minim);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
// bar 9
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_E5, crot);
// bar 10
play(note_D5, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
// bar 11
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_E5, crot);
// bar 12
play(note_D5, minim);
play(note_D5, quav);
play(note_C5, quav);
// bar 13
play(note_B4, quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_B4, crot);
// bar 14
play(note_E4, quav);
play(note_E4, quav);
play(note_D4, crot);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
// bar 15
play(note_B4, quav);
play(note_C5, quav);
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_A4, crot);
// bar 16
play(note_G4, minim);
void we_three_kings() {
// 3/8 time
for (uint8_t repeat = 1; repeat <= 2; repeat++) {
// bar 1
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_A4, quav);
// bar 2
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_E4, quav);
// bar 3
play(note_FS4, quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_FS4, quav);
// bar 4
play(note_E4, crot + quav);
// bar 5
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_A4, quav);
// bar 6
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_E4, quav);
// bar 7
play(note_FS4, quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
play(note_FS4, quav);
// bar 8
play(note_E4, crot + quav);
// bar 9
play(note_G4, quav + quav);
play(note_G4, quav);
// bar 10
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_A4, quav);
// bar 11
play(note_B4, crot);
play(note_B4, quav);
// bar 12
play(note_D5, quav);
play(note_C5, quav);
play(note_B4, quav);
// bar 13
play(note_A4, quav);
play(note_B4, quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
// bar 14
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_FS4, quav);
// bar 15
play(note_E4, crot + quav);
// bar 16
play(note_FS4, crot + quav);
// bar 17
play(note_A4, crot + quav);
// bar 18
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_G4, quav);
// bar 19
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_D4, quav);
// bar 20
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_E4, quav);
// bar 21
play(note_G4, crot + quav);
// bar 22
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_G4, quav);
// bar 23
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_D4, quav);
// bar 24
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_E4, quav);
// bar 25
play(note_G4, crot + quav);
// bar 26
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_G4, quav);
// bar 27
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_B4, quav);
// bar 28
play(note_C5, crot);
play(note_B4, quav);
// bar 29
play(note_A4, crot);
play(note_B4, quav);
// bar 30
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_G4, quav);
// bar 31
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_D4, quav);
// bar 32
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_E4, quav);
// bar 33
play(note_G4, crot + quav);
// bar 34
rest(crot + quav);
void silent_night() {
// 3/4 time
// intro bar
for (uint8_t repeat = 1; repeat <= 2; repeat++) {
// bar 1
play(note_G4, crot + quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
play(note_G4, crot);
// bar 2
play(note_E4, dot_minim);
// bar 3
play(note_G4, crot + quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
play(note_G4, crot);
// bar 4
play(note_E4, dot_minim);
// bar 5
play(note_D5, minim);
play(note_D5, crot);
// bar 6
play(note_B4, dot_minim);
// bar 7
play(note_C5, minim);
play(note_C5, crot);
// bar 8
play(note_G4, dot_minim);
// bars 9-12 and 13-16 are identical so repeat twice
for (uint8_t pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++) {
// bar 9, bar 13
play(note_A4, minim);
play(note_A4, crot);
// bar 10, bar 14
play(note_C5, crot + quav);
play(note_B4, quav);
play(note_A4, crot);
// bar 11, bar 15
play(note_G4, crot + quav);
play(note_A4, quav);
play(note_G4, crot);
// bar 12, bar 16
play(note_E4, dot_minim);
// bar 17
play(note_D5, minim);
play(note_D5, crot);
// bar 18
play(note_F5, crot + quav);
play(note_D5, quav);
play(note_B4, crot);
// bar 19
play(note_C5, dot_minim);
// bar 20
play(note_E5, dot_minim);
// bar 21
play(note_C5, crot);
play(note_G4, crot);
play(note_E4, crot);
// bar 22
play(note_G4, crot + quav);
play(note_F4, quav);
play(note_D4, crot);
// bars 23 & 24
play(note_C4, dot_minim + dot_minim);
void jingle_bells() {
set_tempo(default_tempo * 2); // very lively
// 4/4 time
// intro bar
for (uint8_t repeat = 1; repeat <= 2; repeat++) {
// bar 1
play(note_B3, crot);
play(note_B3, crot);
play(note_B3, minim);
// bar 2
play(note_B3, crot);
play(note_B3, crot);
play(note_B3, minim);
// bar 3
play(note_B3, crot);
play(note_D4, crot);
play(note_G3, crot);
play(note_A3, crot);
// bar 4
play(note_B3, semib);
// bar 5
play(note_C4, crot);
play(note_C4, crot);
play(note_C4, crot);
play(note_C4, crot);
// bar 6
play(note_C4, crot);
play(note_B3, crot);
play(note_B3, crot);
play(note_B3, crot);
// bar 7
play(note_B3, crot);
play(note_A3, crot);
play(note_A3, crot);
play(note_B3, crot);
// bar 8
play(note_A3, minim);
play(note_D4, minim);
// bar 9
play(note_B3, crot);
play(note_B3, crot);
play(note_B3, minim);
// bar 10
play(note_B3, crot);
play(note_B3, crot);
play(note_B3, minim);
// bar 11
play(note_B3, crot);
play(note_D4, crot);
play(note_G3, crot);
play(note_A3, crot);
// bar 12
play(note_B3, semib);
// bar 13
play(note_C4, crot);
play(note_C4, crot);
play(note_C4, crot);
play(note_C4, crot);
// bar 14
play(note_C4, crot);
play(note_B3, crot);
play(note_B3, crot);
play(note_B3, crot);
// bar 15
play(note_D4, crot);
play(note_D4, crot);
play(note_C4, crot);
play(note_A3, crot);
// bar 16
play(note_G3, semib);
The article was first published in hackster, October 4, 2021
cr: https://www.hackster.io/ronbentley1/christmas-carols-on-arduino-7bc262
author: ronbentley1
