In this tutorial you will learn how to make a simple Weather station using M5Stack Core ESP32 & DHT11 Temperature and Humidity sensor.
Things used in this project
Hardware components
Software apps and online services
Visuino - Graphical Development Environment for Arduino
In this tutorial you will learn how to make a simple Weather station using M5Stack Core ESP32 & DHT11 Temperature and Humidity sensor.
Watch the video!
Step 1: What You Will Need
M5Stack Core ESP32 more info hereDHT11 Temperature and Humidity sensorJumper wiresVisuino program: Download Visuino
The Circuit
Connect "DHT11" sensor pin [VCC] to "M5 Stack Core" pin [5V]Connect "DHT11" sensor pin [GND] to "M5 Stack Core" pin [G]Connect "DHT11" sensor pin [S] to "M5 Stack Core" digital pin [5]
Step 3: Start Visuino, and Select the M5 Stack Core Board Type
Start Visuino as shown in the first picture Click on the "Tools" button on the Arduino component (Picture 1) in Visuino When the dialog appears, select "M5 Stack Core" as shown on Picture 2
Step 4: In Visuino Add Components
Add "Analog To Text" componentAdd "DHT11" component
Step 5: In Visuino Set Components
Select "AnalogToText1" and in the Properties window set "Precision" to 1, this way we will only display one decimal, example 25.6
Select "AnalogToText12 and in the Properties window set "Precision" to 1 Select M5 Stack Core and in the editor Modules>TFT Display>Elements, click on [...] button, so that "Elements" window will open. In the Elements window drag "Draw Bitmap", and in the Properties window set "X" to 20, "Y" to 40 and Select "Bitmap" and click on [...] button, Load the Bitmap for the Temperature, Ideal size is 64X64 In the Elements window drag another "Draw Bitmap", and in the Properties window set "X to 20, "Y" to 150 and Select Bitmap" and click on [...] button, Load the Bitmap for the Humidity, Ideal size is 64X64 In the Elements window drag "Text Field" and in the Properties window set "X to 120, "Y" to 50 and "Size" to 6 In the Elements window drag another "Text Field" and in the Properties window set "X to 120, "Y" to 160 and "Size" to 6 Close the "Elements" window
Step 6: In Visuino Connect Components
Connect "HumidityThermometer1" pin [Sensor] to "M5 Stack Core" digital pin [GPIO 5]Connect "HumidityThermometer1" pin [Temperature] to "AnalogToText1" pin [In]Connect "HumidityThermometer1" pin [Sensor] to "AnalogToText2" pin [In]Connect "AnalogToText1" pin [Sensor] to "M5 Stack Core" > "Text Field1" pin [In]Connect "AnalogToText2" pin [Sensor] to "M5 Stack Core" > "Text Field2" pin [In]
Step 7: Generate, Compile, and Upload the Code
In Visuino, at the bottom click on the "Build" Tab, make sure the correct port is selected, then click on the "Compile/Build and Upload" button.
Step 8: Play
If you power the M5 Stack Core, the display should start showing the current Temperature and Humidity that it gets from the DHT11 sensor.
Congratulations! You have completed your Internet Time project with Visuino. Also attached is the Visuino project, that I created for this Tutorial. You can download and open it in Visuino:
Visuino File