Best Collection of 10 micro:bit Robot and IoT Projects to Try in 2023
In this guide, we'll be showcasing some of the most captivating and innovative micro:bit projects about Robot and IoT of 2023. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, our guide has something for everyone. We'll introduce you to exciting projects such as the "High-Fivey" robot, Relay Transport Robot with Maqueen Plus, Smart Home System, Smart Car with Face Recognition and Encoder, and more. Our aim is to inspire you to explore the fascinating world of microbit innovation and bring your own ideas to life.
TOP 1: “High-Fivey" the Cardboard micro:bit Robot
When she asks for a high-five, just tap her hand, and make sure you touch both of her fingers. She'll be very happy!
"High-Fivey" the Cardboard micro:bit Robot is a miniature robot project for education and entertainment. Its main building materials are cardboard and micro:bit, and the robot's movement and behavior can be controlled through programming.The project works by using the micro:bit's built-in sensors and LED lights to control the robot's movement and behavior. By writing code, the robot's direction and speed can be controlled using the micro:bit's accelerometer and compass, the robot's actions can be triggered using the micro:bit's buttons, and them robot's status can be displayed using the micro:bit's LED lights.
What you’ll need:
l 2 x LEGO Compatible 270 Degree Servo
Interested? You can find the full tutorial by "High-Fivey" the Cardboard micro:bit Robot : 18 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables.
Top 2: Milk Carton Robot
Make a robot with old milk cartons and electronic components. You can design the appearance and functions of the robot according to your own creativity, making it look interesting and able to perform simple tasks.
What you’ll need:
l 3 x Alligator Clip Test Cables
l Glue Gun
l Milk Carton, Wood Sticks, Straws
l Scissors
Interested? You can find the full tutorial on Milk Carton Robot (microbit.org).
Top 3: Relay Transport Robot | Maqueen Plus
Using two or more Maqueen Plus cars as a relay transport robot, the project can make one car delivering cargo to a transfer station and another car transporting the cargo to the endpoint.
What you’ll need:
l GamePad Remote Controller
l Push kit
l Fork kit
Interested? You can find the full tutorial on Relay Transport Robot | Maqueen Plus
Top 4: Robotic Paper Octopus
Make a grumpy paper octopus that retracts its tentacles in reaction to loud noises!
What you’ll need:
l LEGO Compatible 360 Degree Servo
Interested? You can find the full tutorial on Robotic Paper Octopus (with microbit) : 24 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables.
Top 5: Remote Controlled micro:bit Robot
A simple remote controlled robot, using two micro:bits, one as the controller and one to drive the motors, was easy enough for children to build and code.
What you’ll need:
l Battery box 4 x AA and connector
l Battery box 2 x AAA with JST connector
l 2 x 3d printed wheels and mounts**
l 2 x o rings / elastic bands for tyres
Interested? You can find the full tutorial on Remote Controlled micro:bit Robot : 6 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables
Top 6:Smart Car with Face Recognition and Encoder
Make a smart car with Maqueen Plus and HUSKYLENS to easily keep track of usage and costs.
This project combines the face recognition feature of HUSKYLENS with Maqueen Plus to create a smart car. The mileage of the vehicle is accurately calculated using the encoder's measurement of wheel rotations. Upon returning the vehicle, simply press one button to automatically display the mileage, duration, and cost on the OLED screen.
What you’ll need:
Interested? You can find the full tutorial on Smart Car with Face Recognition and Encoder .
Top 7: Smart Home System
With this project, you will combine the micro:bit and DFRobot Gravity Sensors to build a smart house system! Through this project, you will learn how to use the BBC micro:bit as the controller of the smart house and how to handle the electronic components in the smart house, i.e. sensors and actuators.
What you’ll need:
l DFRobot Gravity: Capacitive Touch Sensor
l DFRobot Gravity: Bright LED Module
l DFRobot Gravity: Temperature & Humidity Sensor
Interested? You can find the full tutorial on Smart Home System.
Top 8: Gas Leakage Monitor & Ventilation System for Confined Space
Introducing a gas leak monitoring device that comes equipped with adjustable sensitivity to effectively detect natural gas. This device uses voice prompts to instantly alert users of any potential danger, allowing for quick and effective response. Additionally, the device includes a ventilation system to further improve fire safety.
What you’ll need:
l DFRobot Gravity: Analog CH4 Gas Sensor (MQ4) For Arduino
Interested? You can find the full tutorial on Gas Leakage Monitor & Ventilation System for Confined Space - Hackster.io.
Top 9: Automated Soil Moisture Tracking and Plant Watering System
This kind of system usually includes sensors and devices such as soil moisture sensors, temperature sensors, light sensors, and automatic irrigation equipment. Using the microbit microcontroller to automatically track soil moisture, the system helps maintain proper soil moisture levels and waters your plants as needed.
What you’ll need:
l Microbit Shield (any will do)
l Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04
l ESP8266
l 180 degree Servo SG90
l Pipet or straw
Interested? You can find the full tutorial on Soil Moisture (microbit.org).
Top 10: IoT Cloud Access with micro:bit over BLE for Remote Sensing
Using micro:bit to collect sensor data and transfer the data to the cloud through BLE technology, you can access the data through the cloud for analysis and processing. It helps you to remotely monitor and control sensors from anywhere!
What you’ll need:
l Coin Cell Battery Holder
l Coin Cell Battery CR2032
l Resistor 22.1k ohm
l Resistor 100k ohm
l Power MOSFET N-Channel
Interested? You can find the full tutorial on IoT Cloud Access with micro:bit over BLE for Remote Sensing - Hackster.io.
The "Best Collection of 10 micro:Bit Robot and IoT Projects to Try in 2023" offers a comprehensive guide to some of the most interesting projects available. From building robots to creating IoT devices, these projects provide a great opportunity for users to develop their skills and explore new technologies. Embark on an incredible journey into the realm of micro:bit innovation now!