Building a Simple Smart Home System with the micro:IoT Expansion Board
The project simulates a simple Smart Home system using the micro:IoT expansion board. In this system, all devices are connected via the Internet of Things. Users can remotely control home devices such as lights and doors, while environmental data is uploaded to the cloud for further use. This project provides students with a better understanding of IoT applications.
The Micro: IoT board is an IoT expansion board designed to lower the barrier for non-experts to use IoT. It is based on the micro:bit and can be used with the DFRobot Easy IoT platform. The board includes Wi-Fi, OLED, 2-way motor drive, 6-way IO port, 2-way IIC, 1-way serial port, 1-way buzzer, 3-way RGB, 2-way servo, Li-ion battery holder, charging circuit, emergency power interface, and more. It is designed to be easy to program and can be used to build IoT applications without complicated background knowledge.
Learn more: IoT Expansion Board Based on micro:bit Wiki - DFRobot
The sample code is written in Mind+, which you can download for free at
This program is designed to use the touch sensor to control the door and the button to toggle the light. Additionally, it will retrieve temperature and humidity data, which will be displayed on the OLED screen.
Easy IoT is a platform designed to provide simple and accessible solutions for building IoT projects.
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