
The Walk, artistic walking machine

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The Walk is a virtual walking machine harnessing geolocation, weather data, and generative Artificial Intelligence.


What it does?


Starting with a pair of coordinates (lat/lng), it will calculate a point at a distance, it will get directions from Google Maps and it will start a virtual journey getting pictures and weather data for a diary that it will write using ChatGPT.


During the trip, a screen will display all the information and pictures.





Raspberry Pi 2 with WiFi USB dongle (you can use Rpi3 or Rpi4)

DFRobot Raspberry Pi TFT screen 800x468 

2 SG90 servo

1 5v 3A Power Supply

2 rubber foot

3d printed parts 






Install Raspberry Pi OS in a microSD

Run sudo-config, enable SSH and connect to your WiFi

Open SSH connection and install these dependencies


sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake pkg-config libjpeg-dev libtiff5-dev libjasper-dev libpng-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libv4l-dev libxvidcore-dev libx264-dev libfontconfig1-dev libcairo2-dev libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev libpango1.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev libgtk-3-dev libatlas-base-dev gfortran libhdf5-dev libhdf5-serial-dev libhdf5-103 python3-pyqt5 python3-dev -y
pip3 install opencv-python==
pip3 install -U numpy
pip install haversine
pip install screeninfo
pip install openai


Signup for OpenAI API, OpenWeather API and Google Maps API. 


Download the source code https://github.com/ronibandini/TheWalk and edit your API credentials into thewalk_textmode.py 


Run with python thewalk_textmode.py

Web site to publish current location


You can upload php files to a web server in order to publish The Walk location. Remember to edit the web site URL into thewalk_,,,py settings



CSV files


The Walk use 3 CSV Files.


Coordinates.csv file is used for current location. Just one record with lat-lng.


TheWalkLog.csv is used to store every movement: timestemp, origin, destination, distance. map, snapshot and weather conditions

Row example: 2023-09-04 09:27:22.558367,-34.561641,-58.4819516,-34.564203,-58.48763710000001,592,'/home/roni/images/route-500835d3-b13b-4a17-b7d2-546fcdc605e9-5.jpg','/home/roni/images/snap-500835d3-b13b-4a17-b7d2-546fcdc605e9-5.jpg','clear sky'


TheWalkJournal.csv is used to store the diary.

The later 2 csv will be imported to a database and used in the future to plot The Walk complete journey. 



Example of the AI generated diary


“I have finally reached my destination with a feeling of great relief. After my 2705 meter walking journey, I am feeling exhausted but satisfied and content. The clear sky weather was glorious and the sun shone brightly on my journey, yet the air was still cool and refreshing. The sight of Gral. José Gervasio Artigas 469, C1406ABE CABA, Argentina was a beautiful sight and I am so grateful to have made it here in one piece” 

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