Heart and respiration monitor with C1001 mmWave Sensor and Unihiker Carrier Board

This project is a heart rate and respiration monitor using the C1001 mmWave Sensor and Unihiker Carrier Board. The mmWave sensor can obtain your heart rate without any physical contact. You can configure thresholds to trigger RGB light alerts on the Unihiker Carrier Board. The sensor is connected to a Beetle ESP32C6, and the link with Unihiker is made through an HTTP endpoint. Note that the C1001 is a powerful sensor that can also be used to detect sleep habits and human movement
Parts required
Beetle ESP32C6
1001 mmWave sensor
Carrier board
Source code
Download the code from https://github.com/ronibandini/heartRespirationMonitor
Connect mmWave to vin, gnd, tx to 4 and rx to 5 of the Beetle ESP32C6
Download and install the mmWave C1001 sensor library [https://github.com/cdjq/DFRobot_HumanDetection]
Configure SSI and Password in the .ino code and upload the code to the board.
const char *ssid = "";
const char *password = "";
Obtain the IP and set the IP assigned to ESP32C6 in Python Code.
url = ""
You can also set the heart rate threshold for light alerts
Upload the python code and images folder to Unihiker using FTP or web upload
Run with python clientUpload.py

View also Maker Culture talk with Unihiker at 5:18