Let’s create an offline voice-controlled LED system using the DFRobot Beetle ESP32 C6 and the DFRobot Offline Voice Learning Sensor. This project combines hardware components and programming to create an interactive system that responds to voice commands. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide:
1️⃣Project Overview
We’ll build a voice-controlled LED system that turns on and off NeoPixel lights based on spoken commands. The DFRobot Gravity Offline Voice Recognition Sensor will listen for voice input, and the Beetle ESP32 C6 will process the commands and control the LED.
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2️⃣Components Needed
DFRobot Beetle ESP32 C6: This compact ESP32 board will serve as our microcontroller.
DFRobot Gravity Offline Voice Recognition Sensor: An offline voice recognition module with built-in command words and self-learning capabilities.
Breadboard and Jumper Wires: For connecting the components.
3️⃣Wiring Diagram
Connect the DFRobot Gravity Sensor to the Beetle ESP32 C6 using jumper wires.
4️⃣ Install the Arduino IDE :
If you haven’t already, download and install the Arduino IDE.
5️⃣Add the ESP32 Board to Arduino IDE:
Follow these steps to add the ESP32 board to your Arduino IDE:
Open the Arduino IDE.
Go to File > Preferences.
In the “Additional Boards Manager URLs” field, add the following URL :
Click OK.
Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager.Search for “esp32” and install the “esp32” package.
Select the Beetle ESP32 C6 as your board under Tools > Board.
6️⃣Download the DFRobot Voice Recognition Library:
Visit the DFRobot Voice Recognition Sensor tutorial for detailed steps.
Download the DFRobot Voice Recognition Library from the DFRobot website.
7️⃣Write the Arduino Sketch:
Create a new Arduino sketch (File > New).
Copy and paste the following sample code into your sketch:
#include "DFRobot_DF2301Q.h"
DFRobot_DF2301Q_I2C DF2301Q;
int led = 15;
void setup() {
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
while (!(DF2301Q.begin())) {
Serial.println("Communication with device failed, please check connection");
Serial.println("Begin ok!");
uint8_t wakeTime = 0;
wakeTime = DF2301Q.getWakeTime();
Serial.print("wakeTime = ");
DF2301Q.playByCMDID(23); // Common word ID
void loop() {
uint8_t CMDID = 0;
CMDID = DF2301Q.getCMDID();
Serial.print("CMDID = ");
if (CMDID == 5) {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
if (CMDID == 6) {
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
8️⃣Voice Commands:
The DFRobot Gravity Sensor comes with 121 built-in fixed command words. You can also add 17 custom command words.
For example:
“Turn on the lights”“Change color to blue”“Dim the lights”
9️⃣Upload the Sketch:
Connect your Beetle ESP32 C6 to your computer via USB. Select the Arduino IDE's appropriate COM port and board (ESP32 Dev Module). Click the Upload button to upload the sketch to your Beetle ESP32 C6.
?Test Your Voice-Controlled LED System:
Power up your system. Speak the predefined voice commands to control the led
With this setup, you’ll have an offline voice-controlled LED system that responds to your spoken commands. Feel free to expand the project by adding more custom commands or integrating other devices!