This project demonstrates the recognition of handwritten characters using the UNIHIKER M10 and a servo motor. If a corresponding emotional word is recognized, the servo motor will rotate to match the expression.

UNIHIKER M10 is a single-board computer that offers you a brand-new experience. It comes with a 2.8-inch touchscreen, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth functionality. It also features a light sensor, accelerometer, gyroscope, and microphone. Thanks to its built-in coprocessor, it can communicate with various analog/digital/I2C/UART/SPI sensors and actuators.

Before running this program, you need to install the Conda environment on the Unihiker. Please refer to Step 1 for the installation tutorial.
1. Check the current python version:
Enter python --version in the terminal:


Ultralytics does not support earlier versions of Python, so you need to upgrade Python briefly. Choose to use Mini Conda for version management and upgrades.
Note that do not use anaconda, as it is easy to report errors when running empty boards.
2. Download mini conda
Enter wget in the terminal:

the terminal will display:

3. Install mini conda:
Enter sudo bash in the terminal:

In the process, you need to enter the ENTER key or yes key to do so. The last terminal displays:

Enter source ~/.bashrc in the terminal:

Enter conda in the terminal to check it has been install successfully or not:

Install finish if the terminal shows:

4. Activate conda:
Enter conda activate in the terminal:

You can see the display of the terminal


Conda has been successfully activated.
5. Create a YOLO environment in conda
The name is yolo, and the python version is 3.11. In the terminal, enter:

The process shows:

Input y
After the environment is established, the terminal display:

6. Activate yolo environment
In the terminal, enter:

You can see that the terminal is displayed by


The Yolo environment is successfully activated.
7. install utralytics library
In the terminal, enter:

When you're done, the terminal displays:

8. Install Pillow library
In the terminal, enter:

If installed, the terminal displays:

9. Install OpenCV
In the terminal, enter:

If installed, the terminal displays:

10. Install huggingface library
Terminal Input:


11. Install huggingface_hub library
Terminal Input:

Before run the program, please make sure to enable the yolo environment:
In the terminal, enter:

Confirm that the terminal displays:


Please click the link below for the demonstration video.