An automatic plant watering system that also collects environmental data.

Things used in this project
Hardware components
Hand tools and fabrication machines
-Wire Stripper & Cutter, 18-10 AWG / 0.75-4mm² Capacity Wires
-Soldering iron (generic)
-Solder Wire, Lead Free
-Breadboard, 170 Pin
-Multitool, Screwdriver
# Plant Watering System - Midterm 2
## Overview
The purpose of this project was to send connect an micro-controller to, send data to a dashboard, and be able to receive a signal from the dashboard to water a plant.
## Details
The device will use the following components:
**Particle Argon (qty 1)
**ElectroPeak 64x128 OLED screen (qty 1)
**resistors (one(1) 220ohm and one(1) 2.2.K ohm)
**Transistor model 2N3906 (qty 1)
**Grove - Air Quality Sensor v1.3 (qty 1)
**Grove - Dust Sensor v1.0 (qty 1)
**BME/BMP280 (qty 1)
**soil Moisture Sensor Capacitor Module for Arduino Corrosion Resistant 3 B2t3 (qty 1)
**submersible water pump(qty 1)
The project will be completed in the following steps:
1. Notebook - rough documentation of idea and flow chart
1. Fritzing - A diagram
1. Breadboard
1. Coding
## Summary
Our class was given this project to do as for our second "midterm". The requirements that were given were to make something that can:
1) Collect plant soil data (capacitance levels of soil).
2) Collect room environmental conditions (Air Quality, Dust levels, Temperature, Humidity, and Pressure).
3) Send collected data to a Dashboard on Adafruit.IO.
4) Receive a signal from Dashboard to water plant for X seconds per press.
5) Display all data on an OLED screen on system.
fritzing schematic

fritzing breadboard