ESP32: Gesture-Controlled MP3 Player

0 822 Easy

This tutorial guides you through creating a gesture-controlled MP3 player using an ESP32 microcontroller, DFPlayer Pro, and a gesture sensor with MicroPython. The ESP32 device  communicates with the DFPlayer Pro via UART and with the gesture sensor via I2C. By performing specific gestures, you can control the playback of your music.

1 ESP32
1 DFPlayer Pro
1 GR10-30 gesture sensor
2 Speaker
1 USB Cable
1 Jumper Cables (M/M)

Components Required:


ESP32 device: which runs the MicroPython code


DFPlayer Pro module: to store mp3 files and play them


DFRobot Gesture Sensor (GR10-30): to recognize human hand moves


Speaker: to hear audio files


Jumper wires: to connect all devices


USB cables: to flash firmware, deploy and test of application

Circuit Connections:


Adjust the GPIO pin wiring according to your needs. 



DFPlayer to ESP32 (UART):


TX (DFPlayer) to GPIO 17 (ESP32) 


RX (DFPlayer) to GPIO 16 (ESP32) 


VCC (DFPlayer) to 3.3V (ESP32) 


GND (DFPlayer) to GND (ESP32) 



Gesture Sensor to ESP32 (I2C):


SDA (Gesture Sensor) to GPIO 21 (ESP32)


SCL (Gesture Sensor) to GPIO 22 (ESP32)


VCC (Gesture Sensor) to 3.3V (ESP32)


GND (Gesture Sensor) to GND (ESP32)

Local Project

The project folder is structured as follows:


MicroPython Code for “”

from micropython import const
from lib.dfplayerpro import DFPlayerPro
from lib.DFRobot_GR10_30_I2C import (DFRobot_GR10_30_I2C,
                                     GESTURE_UP, GESTURE_DOWN,
                                     GESTURE_LEFT, GESTURE_RIGHT,
                                     GESTURE_CLOCKWISE_C, GESTURE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE_C)
from utime import sleep, sleep_ms

UART_TX_GPIO = const(17)
UART_RX_GPIO = const(16)
I2C_SDA_PIN = const(21)
I2C_SCL_PIN = const(22)

_START_VOLUME = const(20)
_PLAYER_MODE = const(2)
_DELAY_MS = const(100)

def handling_gesture(sensor: DFRobot_GR10_30_I2C, player: DFPlayerPro) -> None:
    handling gesture from sensor and trigger player action

    :param sensor: sensor instance
    :type sensor: DFRobot_GR10_30_I2C
    :param player: player instance
    :type player: DFPlayerPro
    :return: None
    delay_sec = 1
    gesture = int(sensor.get_gestures())

    if gesture == 4 or gesture == 8:
    elif gesture == 32768:
    elif gesture == 16384:
    elif gesture == 1:
    elif gesture == 2:
        print(f'[WARN] unknown gesture: {gesture}')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dfplayer = DFPlayerPro(tx_pin=int(UART_TX_GPIO), rx_pin=int(UART_RX_GPIO))

    gesture_sensor = DFRobot_GR10_30_I2C(sda=int(I2C_SDA_PIN), scl=int(I2C_SCL_PIN))
    gesture_sensor.en_gestures(GESTURE_UP | GESTURE_DOWN |
                               GESTURE_LEFT | GESTURE_RIGHT |

    while True:
        if gesture_sensor.get_data_ready():
            handling_gesture(sensor=gesture_sensor, player=dfplayer)


MicroPython Code for “lib/”

from micropython import const
from machine import I2C, Pin
from utime import sleep

GR10_30_I2C_ADDR = const(0x73)

GR30_10_INPUT_REG_ADDR = const(0x02)
GR30_10_INPUT_REG_DATA_READY = const(0x06)
GR30_10_INPUT_REG_EXIST_STATE = const(0x08)

GR30_10_HOLDING_REG_RESET = const(0x18)

GESTURE_UP = (1 << 0)
GESTURE_DOWN = (1 << 1)
GESTURE_LEFT = (1 << 2)
GESTURE_RIGHT = (1 << 3)
GESTURE_WAVE = (1 << 8)
GESTURE_HOVER = (1 << 9)

class DFRobot_GR10_30_I2C:
    MicroPython class for communication with the GR10_30 from DFRobot via I2C

    def __init__(self, sda, scl, i2c_addr=GR10_30_I2C_ADDR, i2c_bus=0):
        Initialize the DFRobot_GR10_30 communication
        :param sda: I2C SDA Pin
        :param scl: I2C SCL Pin
        :param i2c_addr: I2C address
        :param i2c_bus: I2C bus number
        self._addr = i2c_addr
        self._temp_buffer = [0] * 2

            self._i2c = I2C(i2c_bus, sda=Pin(sda), scl=Pin(scl))
        except Exception as err:
            print(f'Could not initialize i2c! bus: {i2c_bus}, sda: {sda}, scl: {scl}, error: {err}')

    def _write_reg(self, reg, data) -> None:
        Write data to the I2C register
        :param reg: register address
        :param data: data to write
        :return: None
        if isinstance(data, int):
            data = [data]

            self._i2c.writeto_mem(self._addr, reg, bytearray(data))
        except Exception as err:
            print(f'Write issue: {err}')

    def _read_reg(self, reg, length) -> bytes:
        Reads data from the I2C register
        :param reg: I2C register address
        :param length: number of bytes to read
        :return: bytes
            result = self._i2c.readfrom_mem(self._addr, reg, length)
        except Exception as err:
            print(f'Read issue: {err}')
            result = [0, 0]

        return result

    def _detect_device_address(self) -> int:
        Detect I2C device address
        :return: int
        r_buf = self._read_reg(GR30_10_INPUT_REG_ADDR, 2)
        data = r_buf[0] << 8 | r_buf[1]

        return data

    def _reset_sensor(self) -> None:
        Reset sensor
        :return: None
        self._temp_buffer[0] = 0x55
        self._temp_buffer[1] = 0x00
        self._write_reg(GR30_10_HOLDING_REG_RESET, self._temp_buffer)


    def begin(self) -> bool:
        Initialise the sensor
        :return: bool
        if self._detect_device_address() != GR10_30_I2C_ADDR:
            return False


        return True

    def en_gestures(self, gestures) -> None:
        Set what gestures the sensor can recognize
        :param gestures: constants combined with bitwise OR
        :return: None
        gestures = gestures & 0xc7ff

        self._temp_buffer[0] = (gestures >> 8) & 0xC7
        self._temp_buffer[1] = gestures & 0x00ff
        self._write_reg(GR30_10_HOLDING_REG_INTERRUPT_MODE, self._temp_buffer)


    def get_exist(self) -> bool:
        Get the existence of an object in the sensor detection range
        :return: bool
        r_buf = self._read_reg(GR30_10_INPUT_REG_EXIST_STATE, 2)
        data = r_buf[0] * 256 + r_buf[1]

        return bool(data)

    def get_data_ready(self) -> bool:
        Get if a gesture is detected
        :return: bool
        r_buf = self._read_reg(GR30_10_INPUT_REG_DATA_READY, 2)
        data = r_buf[0] * 256 + r_buf[1]

        if data == 0x01:
            return True
            return False

    def get_gestures(self) -> int:
        Get the gesture number of an gesture
        :return: int
        r_buf = self._read_reg(GR30_10_INPUT_REG_INTERRUPT_STATE, 2)
        data = (r_buf[0] & 0xff) * 256 + r_buf[1]

        return int(data)

MicroPython Code for “lib/”

from micropython import const
from machine import Pin, UART
from time import sleep_ms

class DFPlayerPro:
    MicroPython class for communication with the DFRobot DFPlayer Pro over UART.

    DELAY_SEND_COMMAND = const(100)
    DELAY_TEST_CONNECTION = const(500)

    def __init__(self, tx_pin: int, rx_pin: int, baudrate: int = 115200, uart_id: int = 1):
        Initialize the UART object.

        :param tx_pin: The GPIO number used for TX (transmit) communication.
        :type tx_pin: int
        :param rx_pin: The GPIO number used for RX (receive) communication.
        :type rx_pin: int
        :param baudrate: The desired baud rate for the UART communication (default: 115200).
        :type baudrate: int
        :param uart_id: The ID of the UART peripheral to use (default: 1).
        :type uart_id: int
        uart = int(uart_id)
        baud = int(baudrate)
        tx = int(tx_pin)
        rx = int(rx_pin)

        self.uart = UART(uart, baudrate=baud, tx=Pin(tx), rx=Pin(rx))
        self.uart.init(baudrate=baudrate, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1)

    def _send_command(self, command: str) -> str:
        Sends a command to a device and returns the response.

        :param command: The command to send.
        :type command: str
        :return: The response received from the device.
        :rtype: str
        full_command = f"AT+{command}\r\n"

        print(f"[INFO] request: {full_command}")

        response =
        print(f"[INFO] response: {response}")
        return response.decode('utf-8') if response else None

    def test_connection(self):
        Test the connection by sending an AT command via UART.

        :return: The response received from the device as a decoded string, or None if no response was received.

        response =
        print(f"[INFO] response: {response}")
        return response.decode('utf-8') if response else None

    def set_volume(self, volume: int) -> str:
        Set the volume of the device.

        :param volume: The volume level to set.
        :return: The response from sending the volume command.
        :rtype: str
        :raises ValueError: If the volume is not between 0 and 30.
        if volume < 0 or volume > 30:
            raise ValueError("[ERROR] Volume must be between 0 and 30")

        return self._send_command(f"VOL={volume}")

    def set_play_mode(self, mode: int) -> str:
        Set the play mode of the media player.
            1: repeat one song
            2: repeat all
            3: play one song and pause
            4: Play randomly
            5: Repeat all in the folder

        :param mode: The play mode to set. Valid values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
        :return: The response message from the media player.
        :rtype: str
        :raises: ValueError: If the provided play mode is invalid.
        if int(mode) not in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
            raise ValueError("[ERROR] Invalid play mode")

        return self._send_command(f"PLAYMODE={mode}")

    def set_baudrate(self, baudrate: int) -> str:
        Set UART baudrate

        :param baudrate: The baud rate to be set. Valid values are: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.
        :return: A string indicating the success of the operation.
        :raises ValueError: If the provided baud rate is invalid.
        if int(baudrate) not in [9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200]:
            raise ValueError("[ERROR] Invalid baudrate")

        return self._send_command(f"BAUDRATE={baudrate}")

    def query_volume(self) -> str:
        Query the volume level in the device.

        :return: The volume level as a string.
        :rtype: str
        return self._send_command("VOL=?")

    def query_play_mode(self) -> str:
        Query the play mode of the device.

        :return: The current play mode of the device.
        :rtype: str
        return self._send_command("PLAYMODE=?")

    def query_playing_file_number(self) -> str:
        Query the playing file number.

        :return: The playing file number.
        :rtype: str
        return self._send_command("QUERY=1")

    def query_total_file_count(self) -> str:
        Query the total file count.

        :return: The total file count as a string.
        :rtype: str
        return self._send_command("QUERY=2")

    def query_played_time(self) -> str:
        Query the played time.

        :return: The played time as a string.
        :rtype: str
        return self._send_command("QUERY=3")

    def query_total_time(self) -> str:
        Queries and returns the total time.

        :return: The total time as a string.
        :rtype: str
        return self._send_command("QUERY=4")

    def query_playing_file_name(self) -> str:
        Returns the name of the currently playing file.

        :return: The name of the currently playing file as a string.
        :rtype: str
        return self._send_command("QUERY=5")

    def play_next(self) -> str:
        Plays the next track in the playlist.

        :return: The response from the "PLAY=NEXT" command.
        :rtype: str
        return self._send_command("PLAY=NEXT")

    def play_last(self) -> str:
        Plays the previous track in the playlist.

        :return: The response from the "PLAY=LAST" command.
        :rtype: str
        return self._send_command("PLAY=LAST")

    def play_pause(self) -> str:
        Play or pause the playback.

        :return: The result of the "PLAY=PP" command.
        :rtype: str
        return self._send_command("PLAY=PP")

    def fast_rewind(self, seconds: int) -> str:
        Fast Rewind the playback by a specified number of seconds.

        :param seconds: The number of seconds to rewind the media.
        :type seconds: int
        :return: The result of the "TIME=-{seconds}" command.
        :rtype: str
        sec = int(seconds)

        return self._send_command(f"TIME=-{sec}")

    def fast_forward(self, seconds: int) -> str:
        Fast forwards the playback by the specified number of seconds.

        :param seconds: The number of seconds to forward the media.
        :type seconds: int
        :return: The result of the "TIME=+{seconds}" command.
        :rtype: str
        sec = int(seconds)

        return self._send_command(f"TIME=+{sec}")

    def start_from_second(self, second: int) -> str:
        Starts the playback by a specified number of seconds.

        :param second: The second to start from as an integer.
        :type second: int
        :return: The result of the "TIME={second}" command.
        :rtype: str
        sec = int(second)

        return self._send_command(f"TIME={sec}")

    def play_file_by_number(self, number: int) -> str:
        Play a file by its number.

        :param number: The number of the file to be played.
        :type number: int
        :return: The result of the "PLAYNUM={number}" command.
        :rtype: str
        num = int(number)

        return self._send_command(f"PLAYNUM={num}")

    def play_file_by_path(self, path: str) -> str:
        Plays a file by the given file path.

        :param path: The file path of the file to play.
        :type path: str
        :return: The result of the "PLAYFILE={path}" command.
        :rtype: str
        file_path = str(path)

        return self._send_command(f"PLAYFILE={file_path}")
Upload & Test



Install MicroPython on ESP32: Ensure that your ESP32 is flashed with latest MicroPython firmware. You can use tools like “” or “Thonny IDE” to flash the firmware.


Upload the “lib” folder containing the “” and “” files to the ESP32. Upload “main.pyto the “root” (/pyboard/) directory of your ESP32.




Power up the ESP32, and use the gesture sensor to control music playback.


Gestures and their functions:


Up/Down: Play/Pause


Clockwise: Fast Forward


Counterclockwise: Rewind


Right: Next track


Left: Previous track

Annotations and Ideas
Customization: You can modify the gestures and associated player actions by adjusting the handling_gesturefunction.



Extensions: Consider adding more gestures, or pairing the project with other sensors like temperature or light to make an intelligent media player.



Debugging: Use the serial monitor to check print statements for troubleshooting if the setup does not behave as expected.



This project is an exciting way to explore MicroPython, gesture sensors, and audio control. Enjoy experimenting with it!
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