Unihiker: Temperature, Humidity and Wind Measurings.

My project is an HMI interface that will collect temperature, humidity and wind information from the external environment where I am. The chosen category is Smart Terminal.
I will use humidity and temperature sensors (DHT11) and wind speed sensors (anenometer, model HWFS-1)

Chosed Category


Unihiker Weather Protype Result

The Unihiker will be mounted in a 3D printed case (which is printing as I write this) and I will use the system to collect weather data outside my workspace.

Unihiker 3D Printed Case

Now that I realize how easy it is to program and configure the Unihiker, I intend to add two more sensors: one for UV rays and another for air quality.


For download .stl files: CLICK HERE


Note that the conversion values ​​of the AD signal to the wind speed sensor are approximate.

I obtained it based on empirical data using the same wind source to read the analog values ​​(0 to 1023) and checking with a portable wind meter that I have here in my laboratory. 


After some averages and approximations, I arrived at a reasonable value of 2.8 m/s for each ADC value read.

Digital Thermo-Anenometer AN-3070, ICEL

I'm already doing some research to better understand this sensor and in the future get a more accurate reading. So far, it's been a lot of fun creating with it and the Unihiker.

Similar model of wind speed sensor used

The HWFS-1 wind sensor has written on its body that for each variation from 0 to 4V it could be multiplied by 14 m/s. 


But it was far beyond what I saw in practice with the portable meter here in the laboratory. So I used a ratio and proportion system and now the values ​​are similar.


In the code, following the parameter of 14m/s, for average values ​​of 300 (adc, analog) it resulted in speeds of 12 to 13 m/s... but on the AN-3070 meter the indicated speeds were 2 to 3m/s.


First, we can calculate the new conversion factor based on your readings:

Current analog value: 300
Corresponding voltage:

(300/1023)∗3.3 = 0.968 𝑉
Currently measured speed:

Desired actual speed:

2.5m/s (average between 2 and 3 m/s)

Now, we can find the new conversion factor:

New Factor = Actual Speed ​​/ Measured Voltage = 2.5 / 0.968 ≈ 2.58


With this modification, the code used is now as follows:

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Unihiker Weather Project v1.0
# Designed by Gerson Sena, @aplicarciencias     
# Oct 14th, 2024
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import time
from pinpong.board import Board, Pin, DHT11, ADC  # Importação da classe ADC
from pinpong.extension.unihiker import *
from unihiker import GUI  # Biblioteca para a GUI

# Inicialização da placa UNIHIKER

# Inicialização da GUI (tela touchscreen)
gui = GUI()

# Configuração dos sensores
dht11 = DHT11(Pin(Pin.P21))  # DHT11 no Pino P21
anemometer_adc = ADC(Pin(Pin.P22))  # ADC no Pino Analógico 22 para o anemômetro

# Desenha o retângulo ao redor do título
gui.draw_rect(x=10, y=5, w=220, h=80, outline="#000000")  # Retângulo ao redor do texto

# Define a fonte para negrito
bold_font = ("Arial", 17, "bold")  # Definindo a fonte Arial, tamanho 17, em negrito

# Textos de interface para DHT11
txt1 = gui.draw_text(text="Monitor de Temperatura, Umidade e Vento", x=120, y=45, w=240, origin='center', 
                     font=bold_font, color="#000000")  # Título em preto e negrito

txt2 = gui.draw_text(text="Temperatura:", x=10, y=130, font_size=14, color="#0000FF")
txt3 = gui.draw_text(text="Umidade:", x=10, y=160, font_size=14, color="#0000FF")
txt4 = gui.draw_text(text="℃", x=185, y=130, font_size=14, color="#0000FF")
txt5 = gui.draw_text(text="%RH", x=185, y=160, font_size=14, color="#0000FF")
txt6 = gui.draw_text(text="Ventos:", x=10, y=190, font_size=14, color="#0000FF")
txt7 = gui.draw_text(text="m/s", x=185, y=190, font_size=14, color="#0000FF")

# Valores dinâmicos na tela
value1 = gui.draw_text(x=135, y=130, text='25', font_size=14)  # Temperatura
value2 = gui.draw_text(x=135, y=160, text='25', font_size=14)  # Umidade
value3 = gui.draw_text(x=135, y=190, text='0', font_size=14)   # Velocidade do vento em m/s

while True:
    # Leitura do sensor DHT11
    temp = dht11.temp_c()  # Leitura da temperatura em Celsius
    print("Temperatura DHT11:", temp)
    value1.config(text=temp)  # Atualiza temperatura na tela

    humi = dht11.humidity()  # Leitura da umidade
    print("Umidade DHT11:", humi)
    value2.config(text=humi)  # Atualiza umidade na tela

    # Leitura do anemômetro usando ADC
    wind_analog = anemometer_adc.read()  # Leitura do valor analógico (0-1023)
    print("Valor analógico do anemômetro:", wind_analog)

    # Converte o valor analógico para tensão (0 a 3.3V)
    wind_voltage = (wind_analog / 1023.0) * 3.3
    print("Tensão do anemômetro (V):", wind_voltage)

    # Converte a tensão para velocidade do vento (multiplica pelo novo fator 2.58 m/s)
    wind_speed = wind_voltage * 2.58
    print("Velocidade do vento (m/s):", wind_speed)

    value3.config(text=f"{wind_speed:.2f}")  # Atualiza velocidade do vento na tela

    time.sleep(1)  # Atualiza leituras a cada segundo
1 UNIHIKER - IoT Python Single Board Computer with Touchscreen
1 Wind Speed Sensor HWFS-1
1 DHT11 Temperature & Humidity

Watch a short video of the project: CLICK HERE


For any questions, feel free to contact me here or on my social networks @aplicarciencias.

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