DFRobot Maker Community Launch!

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Hi there! Nice meeting you guys. This is Ash, a PM from DFRobot Team and the PM of this community.

We are now launching this online maker community for all the maker blogger that you can discover and share make stories, ideas, inspiration, experiences, make tools and more.


At DFRobot, we believe everyone can benefit from maker community, in identifying their own challenges, solving new problems, motivating themselves to complete a project, working together, inspiring others, and giving advice and sharing with others.

And increasingly we recognize there is a real hunger for the resources for both techies and newbies to make their hands dirty, thus we standout to take fully the advantages of open-source and cutting edge technologies to make this happen.

So we are now luaching this online Maker Community as a stage for those who love making and sharing. Your projects will make our community a great place, both for the community feedback and the fun of sharing your project with others.

And keep your eyes peeled - we've got plenty more fun contests coming up!

Some tips for you to get started: How to Share Your Projects in DF Community?

Making is fascinating. Enjoy making with us.


Ash Community Team @ DFRobot

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