I tried to control the robot arm with image recognition of HuskyLens.
Face recognition of HuskyLens

HuskyLens's Face Recognition is capable of learning and identifying multiple faces.
The method of multiple face recognition is as follows.
By default, the face recognition function can only learn and identify a specific face. Press and hold the Function button and select Learn Multiple to turn it ON and save.

This method makes it possible to learn and identify multiple faces.

Learning is done by pointing the camera and pressing the Learning button when the face is recognized and the ID is given.
Press the Learning button again to enter the next face recognition mode. In the same way, recognize another face and press the Learning button to impersonate the ID.
Learned and recognized three faces (ID1, ID2, ID3).

I tried to move the robot arm by deriving the angle from the three center coordinates of this face recognition.
The center coordinates of the three faces recognized by HuskyLens are serially transmitted to Arduino.Move the servo at the angle calculated from 3 points with Arduino.Since software serial and servo control could not coexist,I am using hardware serial (D0, D1).

Robot Arm

I use one axis of the robot arm made earlier.
Angle Calculation
The angle is calculated from the center coordinates of the three faces recognized by HuskyLens.

Each side of the three-point triangle is

Angle from cosine theorem Is calculated by

Arduino code
I programmed using the official Husky Lens Arduino tutorial.Tutorial: Arduino Tutorial
Arduino library: https://github.com/HuskyLens/HUSKYLENSArduino
Reference sample code: HUSKYLENS_GET_STARED.ino
#include "HUSKYLENS.h"
#include "SoftwareSerial.h"
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo;
HUSKYLENS huskylens;
int x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
float a, b, c, th;
void setup() {
myservo.attach(6, 820, 2140); //DS3115
while (!huskylens.begin(Serial)){
Serial.println(F("Begin failed!"));
Serial.println(F("1.Please recheck the \"Protocol Type\" in HUSKYLENS (General Settings>>Protocol Type>>Serial 9600)"));
Serial.println(F("2.Please recheck the connection."));
void loop() {
if (!huskylens.request()) {}
else if(!huskylens.isLearned()) {}
else if(!huskylens.available()) {}
while (huskylens.available()){
HUSKYLENSResult result = huskylens.read();
if (result.command == COMMAND_RETURN_BLOCK){
if(result.ID == 1){
x1 = result.xCenter;
y1 = result.yCenter;
} else if(result.ID == 2){
x2 = result.xCenter;
y2 = result.yCenter;
}else if(result.ID == 3){
x3 = result.xCenter;
y3 = result.yCenter;
a = sqrt(float((x1 -x3)*(x1 -x3)) + float((y1 -y3)*(y1 -y3)));
b = sqrt(float((x1 -x2)*(x1 -x2)) + float((y1 -y2)*(y1 -y2)));
c = sqrt(float((x2 -x3)*(x2 -x3)) + float((y2 -y3)*(y2 -y3)));
th=acos((b*b + c*c - a*a)/(2*b*c)) * 180.0/M_PI ;
The servo motor of the robot arm is operated by recognizing the three faces and calculating the angle.