From the first Raspberry Pi prototype, hand-built be Eden Upton in 2006, the 1st generation (Raspberry Pi Model B) was released in 2012, then cheaper Model A. In 2014, Model B+; In 2015, Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi Zero was released. Two years later, Zero W was launched. Then Zero WH.
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B was released in 2016. On Pi Day 2018, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ was launched with better configuration. Finally, the latest Raspberry Pi 4Model B was released in 2019.
New Raspberry Pi need new projects, different from projects in The Best 30 Raspberry Pi 3 Projects and reviews of Raspberry Pi 3 in The Best 10 Raspberry Pi 3 Module Reviews, this time we picked up 30 awesome projects and ideas for your Pi.
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Part I: Get Stared with Raspberry Pi 4B/3B
1. Fetching real-time weather data and controlling the speed of a motor fan with Raspberry Pi

Hardware Components:
· DC Motor x1
This tutorial is aimed at users with some basic experience in using Raspberry Pi or other microcontrollers. However, people with no experience with Raspberry Pi or microcontrollers should still be able to follow along.
2. Make a small Auto Temp-Controlled Fan with Raspberry Pi
Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ (Or you can use Raspberry Pi 4) x1
· IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+ x1
· Goteck Micro Metal Gear Servo (2.5kg) x1
· Gravity: 130 DC Motor Module x1
· Gravity: I2C BME680 Environmental Sensor x1
· USB cable (micro-USB for Pi 3, USB type -C for Pi4) x1
· 5V/3A USB Adaptor (Recommend not to power from PC USB port directly) x1
· Ethernet Cable x1
Recently, I’ve been exploring the functions of Raspberry Pi. As a newbie to Pi, I tried reading abundant tutorials related to Raspberry Pi to help me learn, but afterwards I found it boring to just study its functions on paper. Well, true knowledge comes from practices, why not make something with Raspberry Pi. Since fall is coming, and it’s not too hot these days, I don’t need to use AC at my home, but I still want to have some cool breeze blowing on me when I am sitting at the desk to read a book. So this idea comes to me: make a temperature-controlled fan with Raspberry Pi. Without further ado, here we go!
3. Metal Case for Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Installation Steps

Hardware Components:
· Metal Case with Heatsink & Fan for Raspberry Pi 4 Model B x1
4. Gamify the Real Mobile Tank
Hardware Components:
· Devastator Tank Mobile Robot Platform x1
In this demo, Movement of real mobile tank is being controlled by the movement of a virtual tank in the game. This has been made by establishing a network connection between virtual tank in game & real mobile tank.
5. External HDMI Touchscreen for Windows & Raspberry Pi

Hardware Components:
· 7'' HDMI Display with Capacitive Touchscreen (Compatible with Raspberry Pi) x1
· FireBeetle ESP32 IoT Microcontroller (Supports Wi-Fi & Bluetooth) x1
6. Motion Controlled AWS IoT Button

Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+ x2
· 150M Miniature WiFi (802.11n) Module for Raspberry Pi x1
· Gravity: Digital Infrared Motion Sensor for Arduino x1
You can use it as remote switch, anti-theft beacon, counter, movement detector and so on.
7. Color Detection Using Raspberry Pi & Python Animation Tools

In this tutorial we are going present how to detect colors using Raspberry Pi, TCS34725 sensor, and Python animation tools.
Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi 3 Model B x1
· Gravity: TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor For Arduino x1
· RGB x1
8. Tank Laser Tag Sherman & Panther

Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless ×2
Create 2 tanks and battle them out, using laser light as the ammo!
9. 10 Game Servers You Can Run on a Raspberry Pi

Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi 2+
Gaming on the Raspberry Pi is surprisingly multi-faceted, supporting both native and emulated games.But what if you wanted something more impressive, yet game-related, from the device?Well, how about setting it up as a game server? Just imagine, hosting LAN parties wherever you are, thanks to the pocket-sized Raspberry Pi! All you need to do is ensure you have an Ethernet cable, a suitable power adapter and game server software.Here are 10 games that you can host on your Raspberry Pi game server.
10. Raspberry Pi Touchscreen Display

Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi 3 Model B x1
· 3.5" TFT Touchscreen for Raspberry Pi x1
Add some visual output to your Raspberry Pi with an integrated touchscreen.
Part II: Pi Systems
1. Smart Terrarium

Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi 3 Model B ×1
· Arduino MKR1000 ×1
· Arduino UNO & Genuino UNO ×1
· Adafruit Waterproof DS18B20 Digital temperature sensor ×1
· DFRobot Gravity: Analog UV Sensor (ML8511) ×1
· DFRobot Gravity: Analog Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor- Corrosion Resistant ×1
· Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic) ×2
· Grove - 2-Channel SPDT Relay ×1
Smart Terrarium is the all in one system that provides the necessary information and automation to encourage a full and happy life for your reptiles. This system provides the user with the ability to monitor a variety of sensors in their animal’s habitat as well as control the lighting and misting system.
2. Automated Garden System Built on Raspberry Pi for Outdoors or Indoors - MudPi
Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi with Wifi (I used Pi 3 B)
· Debian 9/10
· Monitor/Keyboard/Mouse(for Pi setup)
· SD card for Raspbian (8gb)
· Outdoor rated cable (4 wire)
· Waterproof junction box for outdoors
· Cable glands
· Din Rail (to mount breakers and DC supply)
· PVC tubing
· Drill w/ Spade Bits
· DHT11 Temperature / Humidity Sensor
· Soil Moisture Sensor x3
· Liquid Float Level Sensor x2
· 2 Channel relay
· 12v pump (or 120v if your using mains voltage)
· DC to DC converter if you use 12v
· 5v Power Supply
· or DC power supply (if powering pi from mains)
· 10k Resistors for pull up/down
· Screwdriver
· Wire stripper
· Multimeter
· Soldering Iron
· Solder
· Screws (for mounting boxes outside)
· Silicone Calk

Do you like gardening but can't find the time to maintain it? Perhaps you have some houseplants that are looking a little thirsty or looking for a way to automate your hydroponics? In this project we will solve those problems and learn the basics of MudPi by building an automated garden system to help take care of things. MudPi is an open source garden system I made to manage and maintain garden resources built on a Raspberry Pi. You can use MudPi for both indoor and outdoor gardening projects scaled to your needs as it is design to be customized.

Hardware Components:
· Raspberry pi 4 - kit
· Raspberry pi T-cobbler
· Breadboard
· Male-to-male connectors
· Male-to-female connectors
· LM35 (temperature sensor)
· Moisture sensors x4
· DHT11
· MCP3008
· Potentiometer (for controlling, not necessary)
· SunFounder LCD-display
· 4x Brushless water pomp 12V
· Waterpipes
· Adapter 12V
· 4x Relay 5V
· Aquarium
· Wooden planks
· Solid round bar of iron
· Nails
· Screws
· Aquaplan Roofprimer
· Hammer
· Saw
· Screwdriver
· Drill
· Woodfile
· Glue gun
· Paint brush
· Welding machine
· Solding device
My mother is most of the time pretty busy. So i wanted to help her by automating her greenhouses. This way she can save a bit of time as she won't need to water the plants.
I will be able achieve this with MAG (Miniature Automatic Garden). As in the name, MAG is a miniature project that can be expanded for bigger greenhouses.
4. How to Build an Automated DIY Irrigation System With App

Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi Zero x1-N
· Raspberry Pi SD Card x1-N
· NodeMCU ESP8266 x1-N
· Relay x1-N
· Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor x1-N
· Pump x1-N
· Aquarium tube and irrigation nozzles
In this article I will show you how to build an affordable automated irrigation system so you no longer have to water your plants by hand. The system can be used for house plants, raised beds, but also for plants in the garden or larger green areas, because the number of connected plants is scalable.
5. The Zeus Electronic Weather Station (ZeWS)

Hardware Components:
· Arduino UNO & Genuino UNO x2
· Raspberry Pi 3 Model B x1
The Zeus Weather Station (ZEWS) is an initiative of the Harry Fultz Institute Open Source Club to promote open source hardware and software.
6. Raspberry Pine

To many, a broken laptop would be a source of annoyance and hassle, but not Neil Shepherd, who saw nothing but opportunity. After a brief respite at the bottom of his wardrobe, Neil dismantled the laptop looking for useful spares and maybe some inspiration. He hit upon the idea of building a desktop computer that would fit in with the surrounding furniture, rather than being yet another drab black box. “What do you do with a 17-inch LCD panel? Put a frame round it,” he says. “It’s got to be different, so wooden… pine to be precise. Add a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and my love of awful puns gives us Raspberry Pine.”
7. BeeMonitor

Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi 3 Model B x1
Getting to design and build things for a living sounds like a dream job, especially if it also involves Raspberry Pi and wildlife. Glyn Hudson has always enjoyed making things and set up a company manufacturing open-source energy monitoring tools shortly after graduating from university. With access to several hives at his keen apiarist parents’ garden in Snowdonia, Glyn set up BeeMonitor using some of the tools he used at work to track the beehives’ inhabitants.
8. Automated #RaspberryPi Planet Tracking GOTO Telescope
Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi 3 Model B x1
In this video, Derek takes a Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope, inertial measurement unit, CCD camera, and a beefed-up pan & tilt mechanism to create an automated planet tracker. Everything is orchestrated via a custom arcade-style controller centered around a Raspberry Pi running C++/OpenCV code to run the UI and control positioning.
9. Singing Toilet
Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi 3 Model B x1
It may be the ultimate bathroom experience: wall-mounted toilet rolls that ‘sing’ various notes when the paper is pulled, thus creating an extremely pleasant and calming trip to the smallest room. But how did this very novel idea come to fruition?

Maker and artist Max Björverud explains that this custom installation was born from a request from a client: “Fredrik Öst at Snask (a creative agency) here in Stockholm wanted something for the toilet. I don’t remember how our conversation really panned out, but a week later I presented the first prototype. The build itself was quite quick, but it needed some iterations to find the best holder and roller. The most difficult part was to make it usable. They need to be able to switch toilet paper without a technician.”
10. Pool Fill Control

Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi 3 Model B x2
· Non-contact Digital Water / Liquid Level Sensor x1
A system to monitor water level, temp, pH, ORP, filter pressure, electrical usage, and pump operation. Refills pool when necessary.
Part III Classic Projects
1. The hydro Mazing Smart Garden System

Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ (Or you can use Raspberry Pi 4) x1

The hydro Mazing system manages your growing environment by making localized data-driven decisions so that you don't have to worry.
2. Aquariumatic

Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless x1
· PH Sensor x1
Aquarium monitor with automation, Web GUI & IoT. Daisychain units can control multiple tanks all from the one master unit.
3. Laser Shootin' Robot
Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless x1
Use a DFRobot MiniQ chassis with Raspberry Pi Zero W to create a robot that can shoot a laser at anything you choose! (Not at eyes, please.)
4. Laser Pointer Panther Tank

Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless x1
Recently I created a Laser Shootin' Robot that was able to drive around and had a laser that was fixed in place. This is part 2 of my Tanks in Real Life project series. This time, I took the chassis and added a hull and turret that could both moves.
5. Human Assistant Robot

Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi 2 Model B x1
· Rover 5 Tank Chassis (2 motors) x1
This is a robot who can see, listen, talk, and move freely to help us do many activities, much like a friend.
6. IoT Treat Dispenser For Pets
Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi 3 Model B x1
· Stepper Motor x1
· Camera for Raspberry Pi (Compatible with Raspberry Pi 4B) x1
With the push of a button you can dispense treats and watch your pet in real time without having to be in the same room.
7. Whidbey Island Distillery

Hardware Components:
Some great business ideas are hastily written down on a napkin. This one emerged from a ‘jokey’ family lunch. Appropriately enough, it was Easter Sunday when the Heising family light-heartedly hashed out how they might all contribute to an exciting new chapter. A few months later, Bev and Steve Heising bought several acres of land and the family began refurbishing the existing ‘bunker’ buildings to live in and as their business premises. The Heisings threw open the doors to Whidbey Island Distillery a year later. A decade on and it is now an award-winning distillery open every day for visits and tours.
8. Vineyard Kikushima

Hardware Components:
We’ve covered several plant and garden automation projects in The MagPi before, and even a robot farm or two. However, we’ve not previously come across a vineyard with some IoT/automation abilities thanks to Raspberry Pi.
9. Saving Aquatic Life & Fighting Water Pollution with IoT & AI

Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi 3 Model B x1
· Turbidity Sensor x1
· pH Sensor x1
Industries directly dump chemicals & waste into the rivers and oceans. The price of which is paid by aquatic life and people living nearby.
10. Watering, lighting and monitoring system for plant growth

Hardware Components:
· Raspberry Pi 3 Model B x1
· Immersible Pump & WaterTube x1
We are converting a cloth rail into a self-maintaining plant growing system! It monitors and takes care of plants for their perfect growing.