Using Arduino, LED's, and Paper we can make easy and cool Christmas lights that can take the shape of anything.
Things used in this project
Hardware components
Using Arduino, LED's, and Paper we can make easy and cool Christmas lights that can take the shape of anything. This project is simple and will only take you about 2 hours. If you like this project please vote for me in the contests this project is entered in. Without further talk lets start.
Step 1: Make the LED strip
I'm using neopixels available here [].
(make the strip to a size that fits your needs)
Solder your 5v pins to the 5v pins then your Din to your Dout pins and finally your GND pins to your GND pins.
Connect it to your arduino via pin ~3 (unplug the arduino when connecting it)
Step 2: Code the arduino
Download and Install the neopixel library
use the "strandtest.ino" to test your strip
Step 3: Make your frame
I made two 6_1/2" x 6_1/2" cardboard squares then four 1" x 6_1/2" pieces for the sides.
Tape everything together and tape aluminum foil to the bottom.
Step 4: Make the screen
cut out your shape, glue it to an white piece of paper, then glue any internals.
Step 5: Finishing
Tape everything together, put the lights inside, and connect the arduino.
Step 6: Admire
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this project and make it yourself. If you liked it please vote for me!
The article was first published in hackster, December 31, 2015
author: Team FunguyPro: Austin Detzel