DIY an Arduino Weather Station with Real-Time Display Using 2.0 Inch LVGL ESP32-S3 IPS Screen


In this project, we'll create a sleek and functional Arduino weather station using the Arduino UNO and various meteorological sensors. Equipped with a 2.0 Inch LVGL ESP32-S3 IPS Screen, this weather station offers real-time data on temperature, humidity, pressure, and UV levels. Its clean icons, dynamic effects, and text display ensure an elegant visual experience. This mini weather station is perfect for home automation and STEM education projects.



What you can learn from this project:

- Sensor Integration: Learn how to use GPIO pins to connect and configure sensors and how to read and process the data.

- Data Visualization: Integrate sensor data on a display screen, visually presenting weather information using text, icons, widgets and so on.

- Interface Design: Design a user-friendly weather station interface, optimizing response speed and user experience.

- Programming and Debugging: Write code in the Arduino language to control sensors and the display, and master debugging techniques to ensure smooth project operation.

1 Arduino UNO
1 Gravity: 2.0 Inch LVGL ESP32-S3 IPS Screen with 8M Flash (320×240, I2C and UART)
1 Gravity: BMP388 Barometric Pressure Sensors
1 Gravity: LTR390 UV Light Sensor (280nm to 430nm) - I2C & UART
1 Gravity: DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor For Arduino

When choosing the display, I have the following requirements: the screen should be small, high resolution, clear display, support for graphics and dynamic styles, and easy to use, adjust and modify. After some comparison, I found that the DFRobot 2.0" color IPS display fully met these requirements.

1. Clear Display: With a 320×240 high resolution and IPS technology, it ensures sharp images, even when viewed from different angles.

2. Easy Interface Design: It supports the LVGL library, making interface design much simpler. Whether you're creating icons or animations, it's easily achievable.

3. Great Compatibility: It offers both I2C and UART interfaces, making it adaptable to various controllers and easy to connect.

4. Built-In Powerful Features: It supports graphics and animations display, saving a lot of extra work.

5. Quick to Start: The official wiki provides Arduino libraries and sample code, so even beginners can quickly get started.


- Download Arduino IDE: Click here to download Arduino IDE

- Download Arduino library: Click here to download DFRobot_LcdDisplay library.

- Click here to see the tutorial: How to install a library?

Hardware Connection

Connections and interfaces according to the following diagram.


Project Process

Here are the key parts of the project. You can check it with the code together at the end of the article.


1. Import Library

Import essential libraries for managing the display, sensors, and communication functionalities.


2. Variable Definitions & Timer Interruptions

Variable Definitions: Store sensor data (e.g., temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, UV intensity) and manage display-related variables like time and label ID.

Timer Interruptions: Manage time increments, resetting seconds and minutes as needed.


3. Initialization and Display Configuration

- LCD Display Initialization: Set up the LCD screen, including background color, screen clearing, and timing.

- Timer Setup: Schedule regular updates to the displayed time and start the timer.

- Display Time and Date: Show the current time and date on specific screen coordinates.

- Icon Display: Position an icon (e.g., “Cloudy.gif”) on the screen.


4. Add Icons

Implement icons from a USB flash drive, allowing customization of position and size. In this project, we'll create four sensors—UV, temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure—along with six plant icons. The following code demonstrates how to achieve this:



5. Add Bar Function

Create and customize progress bars to visualize data from sensors. In this project, we'll create four progress bars, one for each sensor, to show the changes in their data.



6. Read and display data

Read data from each sensor, including temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and UV intensity. Updates the read data in real time on the LCD screen in the form of progress bars and labels.



#include "DFRobot_LcdDisplay.h"
#include <MsTimer2.h>
DFRobot_Lcd_IIC lcd(&Wire, /*I2CAddr*/ 0x2c);
//LTR390 UV Sensor
#include "DFRobot_LTR390UV.h"
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define UARTMODE //UART mode
SoftwareSerial mySerial(/*rx =*/4, /*tx =*/5);
DFRobot_LTR390UV ltr390(/*addr =*/LTR390UV_DEVICE_ADDR, /*s =*/&mySerial);
//BMP388 Pressure Sensor
#include <DFRobot_BMP3XX.h>
DFRobot_BMP388_I2C  sensor(&Wire, sensor.eSDOVDD);
//DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
#include <dht11.h>
dht11 DHT;
#define DHT11_PIN 10

uint8_t Tem, Hum, Pre, Ult, lcdTimeId,labelId1,labelId2,labelId3,labelId4;
uint8_t hour = 9, Minute = 8, second = 56;
uint8_t lastSecond = 0;
void flash()   //Interrupt processing program for time change
  if (second > 59) {
    second = 0;
  if (Minute > 59) {
    Minute = 0;

void setup(void){
  MsTimer2::set(1000, flash);        // Set the interrupt function, enter the interrupt every 1000ms
  MsTimer2::start();                 // Start counting

  lcdTimeId = lcd.drawLcdTime(10, 90, hour, Minute, second, 1, LIGHTGREY); //Display the current time
  lcd.drawLcdDate(10, 120, 4, 7, 7, 0, LIGHTGREY); //Display the current date
  lcd.drawGif(20, 5, "Cloudy.gif", 512);  //Create an icon

  //Create icons for corresponding sensors
  lcd.drawIcon(124, -8, "/sensor icon/thermometer.png", 120);
  lcd.drawIcon(119, 35, "/sensor icon/raindrops.png", 120);
  lcd.drawIcon(110, 78, "/sensor icon/pressure.png", 120);
  lcd.drawIcon(109, 118, "/season icon/sunny.png", 120);

  //Create multiple icons
  lcd.drawIcon(0, 176, "/botany icon/Potted plant flower.png", 256);
  lcd.drawIcon(53, 176, "/botany icon/cactus3.png", 256);
  lcd.drawIcon(106, 176, "/botany icon/grass.png", 256);
  lcd.drawIcon(159, 176, "/botany icon/grass1.png", 256);
  lcd.drawIcon(212, 176, "/botany icon/cactus1.png", 256);
  lcd.drawIcon(265, 176, "/botany icon/cactus2.png", 256);

  //Create progress bars to display temperature
  Tem = lcd.creatBar(164, 22, 80, 15, ORANGE);
  labelId1 = lcd.drawString( 255, 22, "0°C", 0, ORANGE);
  //Create progress bars to display humidity
  Hum = lcd.creatBar(164, 62, 80, 15, RED);
  labelId2 = lcd.drawString( 255, 62, "0%", 0, RED);
  //Create progress bars to display pressure
  Pre = lcd.creatBar(164, 102, 80, 15, BLUE);
  labelId3 = lcd.drawString( 255, 102, "0Pa", 0, BLUE);
  //Create progress bars to display UV intensity
  Ult = lcd.creatBar(164, 142, 80, 15, GREEN);
  labelId4 = lcd.drawString( 255, 142, "0lux", 0, GREEN);

  //LTR390 UV Sensor initialization settings
  #define UARTMODE
  while(ltr390.begin() != 0){
    Serial.println(" Sensor initialize failed!!");
  Serial.println(" Sensor  initialize success!!");
  ltr390.setALSOrUVSMeasRate(ltr390.e18bit,ltr390.e100ms);//18-bit data, sampling time 100ms 
  ltr390.setALSOrUVSGain(ltr390.eGain3);//3x gain
  ltr390.setMode(ltr390.eALSMode);//Set UV mode

  //BMP388 Pressure Sensor initialization settings
    int rslt;
    while( ERR_OK != (rslt = sensor.begin()) ){
      if(ERR_DATA_BUS == rslt){
        Serial.println("Data bus error!!!");
      }else if(ERR_IC_VERSION == rslt){
        Serial.println("Chip versions do not match!!!");
    Serial.println("Begin ok!");
    while( !sensor.setSamplingMode(sensor.eUltraPrecision) ){
      Serial.println("Set samping mode fail, retrying....");
    if( sensor.calibratedAbsoluteDifference(540.0) ){
      Serial.println("Absolute difference base value set successfully!");
    float sampingPeriodus = sensor.getSamplingPeriodUS();
    Serial.print("samping period : ");
    Serial.println(" us");

    float sampingFrequencyHz = 1000000 / sampingPeriodus;
    Serial.print("samping frequency : ");
    Serial.println(" Hz");

void loop(void){
  if(lastSecond != second){
    lastSecond = second;
    lcd.updateLcdTime(lcdTimeId, 10, 90, hour, Minute, lastSecond, 1, LIGHTGREY); //Display the current time
  uint32_t date4 = 0;
  date4 = ltr390.readALSTransformData(); //Get the transformed data of ambient light
  float date3 = sensor.readPressPa(); //Get the pressure data of the pressure sensor;  //Get the temperature and humidity data of the temperature and humidity sensor

  //Set the value of the progress bars
  lcd.setBarValue(Tem, DHT.temperature);
  lcd.updateString(labelId1, 255, 22, String(DHT.temperature)+"°C", 0, ORANGE);
  lcd.setBarValue(Hum, DHT.humidity);
  lcd.updateString(labelId2, 255, 62, String(DHT.humidity)+"%", 0, RED);
  lcd.setBarValue(Pre, date3);
  lcd.updateString(labelId3, 255, 102, String(date3)+"Pa", 0, BLUE);
  lcd.setBarValue(Ult, date4);
  lcd.updateString(labelId4, 255, 142, String(date4)+"lux", 0, GREEN);


In this project, we have successfully built a fully functional weather station that not only displays various weather data but also delivers a visually appealing and intuitive interface. Through this project, you’ve learned how to integrate sensors and process data, as well as how to visualize data and design interfaces using the LVGL library.

Looking ahead, this project can be further expanded and optimized by adding more types of sensors or by uploading weather data to the cloud for remote monitoring. We hope that this project has sparked your creativity and inspired you to continue exploring and innovating, leading to the development of more interesting and practical electronic projects.



You can also customize it to your liking with a black background, as shown below.


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