Wio E5 with Things Network using Micropython


In this detailed tutorial, we will walk through the process of integrating the Wio LoRa-E5 module with The Things Network (TTN) using MicroPython and Xiao ESP32-S3. This project will enable you to transmit data via LoRaWAN using the TTN as the backend for processing your LoRa data.

The Wio LoRa-E5 module supports long-range LoRaWAN communication, while the Xiao ESP32-S3 is a powerful microcontroller with WiFi, Bluetooth, and enough power to run MicroPython efficiently.

By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a functional IoT system capable of sending sensor data over LoRa to the TTN and visualizing it on a dashboard or storing it in the cloud.


📦 Prerequisites

🛠️ Hardware:

🛰️ Wio LoRa-E5 Module(STM32-based LoRa module)🖥️ XIAO ESP32-S3 (compact ESP32 board)🔗 Jumper wires for connecting the modules📏 Breadboard for prototyping🔌 USB Cables for flashing and power 

🖥️ Software:

Python 3.x installed on your PC for firmware flashing and serial communicationThonny IDE (or any MicroPython IDE of your choice)esptool (for flashing MicroPython firmware onto the ESP32-S3)MicroPython firmware for XIAO ESP32-S3 from [MicroPython.org](https://micropython.org/download/esp32/


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🔧 Step 1: Flashing MicroPython on XIAO ESP32-S3 and Wio LoRa E5

🔥 Flashing MicroPython on XIAO ESP32-S3:


1. Download the MicroPython firmware for ESP32-S3 from (https://micropython.org/download/esp32/). Make sure to download the **ESP32-S3 specific firmware.

2. Install esptool:

You'll need the esptool package to flash MicroPython on the ESP32-S3. Install it with:


pip install esptool


3. Erase existing firmware on the XIAO ESP32-S3 by connecting it to your PC and running the following command:


esptool.py --chip esp32s3 --port <your-port> erase_flash



4. Flash the MicroPython firmware:

Replace `<your-port>` with the port the ESP32-S3 is connected to (e.g., `COM4` on Windows or `/dev/ttyUSB0` on Linux). Then, run:


esptool.py --chip esp32s3 --port <your-port> write_flash -z 0x1000 esp32s3-<your-firmware>.bin



🚀 Flashing Wio LoRa-E5:


The Wio LoRa-E5 module communicates primarily over UART using AT commands. You won't flash MicroPython onto it but will communicate with it through AT commands from the XIAO ESP32-S3.


For detailed instructions on setting up the Wio-E5 with firmware, refer to the [Seeed Studio documentation: https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Wio-E5-LoRa-Module/]


🔌 Step 2: Wiring Connections

Here’s how you can connect the **XIAO ESP32-S3** to the **Wio LoRa-E5** module using UART:



Ensure that you connect the pins correctly, especially the TX and RX, as this will facilitate communication between the devices.


🔧 Step 3: Setting Up Thonny IDE for ESP32-S3

1. Download and install Thonny IDE if you haven't already.

2. Select **ESP32** as your MicroPython interpreter.

3. Plug in your XIAO ESP32-S3, and in Thonny, go to Tools > Options > Interpreter, then select the correct Port corresponding to your device (e.g., `COM3` on Windows or `/dev/ttyUSB0` on Linux).



Verify the connection by running:


print("Hello from XIAO ESP32-S3!")


If the message prints to the terminal, you are connected!


🧑‍💻 Step 4: MicroPython Code to Communicate with LoRaWAN Network

Now, we’ll write MicroPython code on the Xiao ESP32-S3 to send and receive data to/from the Wio-E5 for LoRa communication.


# Connect to The Things Network (TTN) and publish some test data
# Put your key here (string). This should match the AppKey generated by your application.
#For example: app_key = 'E08B834FB0866939FC94CDCC15D0A0BE'
app_key = 'E08B834FB0866939FC94CDCC15D0A0BE'

# Regional LoRaWAN settings. You may need to modify these depending on your region.
# If you are using AU915: Australia
# band='AU915'
# channels='8-15'

# If you are using US915
# band='US915'
# channels='8-15'
# If you are using EU868

from machine import UART, Pin
from utime import sleep_ms
from sys import exit

uart1 = UART(1, baudrate=9600, tx=Pin(43), rx=Pin(44))
join_EUI = None   # These are populated by this script
device_EUI = None

### Function Definitions

def receive_uart():
    '''Polls the uart until all data is dequeued'''
    while uart1.any()>0:
        rxData += uart1.read(1)
    return rxData.decode('utf-8')

def send_AT(command):
    '''Wraps the "command" string with AT+ and \r\n'''
    buffer = 'AT' + command + '\r\n'

def test_uart_connection():
    '''Checks for good UART connection by querying the LoRa-E5 module with a test command'''
    send_AT('') # empty at command will query status
    data = receive_uart()
    if data == '+AT: OK\r\n' : print('LoRa radio is ready\n')
        print('LoRa-E5 detected\n')

def get_eui_from_radio():
    '''Reads both the DeviceEUI and JoinEUI from the device'''
    data = receive_uart()
    device_EUI = data.split()[2]

    data = receive_uart()
    join_EUI = data.split()[2]

    print(f'JoinEUI: {join_EUI}\n DevEUI: {device_EUI}')
def set_app_key(app_key):
    if app_key is None or app_key == 'None':
        print('\nGenerate an AppKey on cloud.thethings.network and enter it at the top of this script to proceed')

    send_AT('+KEY=APPKEY,"' + app_key + '"')
    print(f' AppKey: {app_key}\n')

def configure_regional_settings(band=None, DR='0', channels=None):
    ''' Configure band and channel settings'''
    send_AT('+DR=' + band)
    send_AT('+DR=' + DR)
    send_AT('+CH=NUM,' + channels)
    receive_uart() # flush
    data = receive_uart()

def join_the_things_network():
    '''Connect to The Things Network. Retry on failure.'''
    max_retries = 5
    retry_count = 0

    while retry_count < max_retries:
        data = receive_uart()

        status = 'not connected'
        while status == 'not connected':
            data = receive_uart()
            if len(data) > 0: print(data)
            if 'joined' in data.split():
                status = 'connected'
            if 'failed' in data.split():
                print('Join Failed. Retrying...')
        if status == 'connected':
            retry_count += 1
            print(f"Retry {retry_count}/{max_retries} in 5 seconds...")

    if retry_count >= max_retries:
        print("Max retries exceeded. Giving up.")

def send_message(message):
    '''Send a string message'''
    send_AT('+MSG="' + message + '"')

    done = False
    while not done:
        data = receive_uart()
        if 'Done' in data or 'ERROR' in data:
            done = True
        if len(data) > 0: print(data)
def send_hex(message):
    send_AT('+MSGHEX="' + message + '"')

    done = False
    while not done:
        data = receive_uart()
        if 'Done' in data or 'ERROR' in data:
            done = True
        if len(data) > 0: print(data)




configure_regional_settings(band=band, DR='0', channels=channels)


while True:
    # Send example data
    print("sending test messages")
    # Convert the random number to a hexadecimal string
    payload = '{:04x}'.format(temp)
    payload1 = '{:04x}'.format(temp)
    CP = payload + payload1

    print("payload : ", CP)
#   send_message("Hello World!")

The device will attempt to join the LoRaWAN network. The response should confirm whether the join was successful.



⚙️ Step 5: Set Up The Things Network (TTN)

Before we get into the hardware setup, let’s configure the application on **The Things Network** (TTN). TTN is a free, community-driven platform for LoRaWAN network services.


🛠️ 5.1 Create a TTN Account

1. Go to the [TTN Console](https://console.thethingsnetwork.org/), and sign up or log in.

2. Choose your **cluster** based on your region (e.g., **EU1**, **US1**).



🛠️ 5.2 Create an Application

1. In the TTN console, click on Applications and then Create an Application.



2. Fill in the details:



3. Once created, navigate to the application overview page.


🛠️ 5.3 Register Your Device

1. Under your application, click Devices → Register end device.

2. Choose a Manually registered device.

3. Fill in the fields:



🧪 Step 6: Receiving Data via TTN

Now look into the TTN console, you can see your device response.



Next, we have to add a payload formatted to view our data.

function Decoder(bytes, port) {
  var decoded = {};
  if (port === 8) {
    decoded.temp = bytes[0] <<8 | bytes[1];
    decoded.humi = bytes[2] <<8 | bytes[3];

  return decoded;


Finally, you can see your actual data in the TTN console.



🚀 Future Expansions:

Add Sensors: Connect sensors like temperature, humidity, or GPS to your Xiao ESP32-S3 and send this data to TTN.Cloud Integration: Forward data from TTN to cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud for further processing.Data Visualization: Use platforms like Qubitro to visualize the incoming data from TTN.


🎉 Conclusion

You’ve successfully integrated the Wio LoRa-E5 with The Things Network (TTN) using MicroPython and the Xiao ESP32-S3. You can now send data over LoRaWAN to the TTN, where it can be forwarded to cloud services, stored in databases, or visualized on a dashboard.

Happy coding and building your LoRaWAN IoT applications! 🌍📡

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